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DressUpModel:SetMovable(enable) Sets whether the frame can be moved by the user.
DressUpModel:SetModelScale(scale) Sets the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears.
DressUpModel:SetModel("filename") Sets the model file to be displayed.
DressUpModel:SetMinResize(minWidth, minHeight) Sets the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
DressUpModel:SetMaxResize(maxWidth, maxHeight) Sets the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
DressUpModel:SetLight(enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity [, ambR [, ambG [, ambB [, dirIntensity [, dirR [, dirG [, dirB]]]]]]]) Sets properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
DressUpModel:SetID(id) Sets a numeric identifier for the frame.
DressUpModel:SetHitRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets the insets from the frame's edges which determine its mouse-interactable area.
DressUpModel:SetHeight(height) Sets the region's height.
DressUpModel:SetGlow(amount) Sets the model's glow amount.
DressUpModel:SetFrameStrata("strata") Sets the general layering strata of the frame.
DressUpModel:SetFrameLevel(level) Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
DressUpModel:SetFogNear(distance) Sets the near clipping distance for the model's fog.
DressUpModel:SetFogFar(distance) Sets the far clipping distance for the model's fog.
DressUpModel:SetFogColor(red, green, blue) Sets the model's fog color, enabling fog display if disabled.
DressUpModel:SetFacing(facing) Sets the model's current rotation.
DressUpModel:SetDontSavePosition() Функция еще не задокументированна.
DressUpModel:SetDisplayInfo() Функция еще не задокументированна.
DressUpModel:SetDepth(depth) Sets the 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D configurations)
DressUpModel:SetCreature(creature) Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific creature.
DressUpModel:SetClampedToScreen(enable) Sets whether the frame's boundaries should be limited to those of the screen.
DressUpModel:SetClampRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets offsets from the frame's edges used when limiting user movement or resizing of the frame.
DressUpModel:SetCamera(index) Sets the view angle on the model to a pre-defined camera location.
DressUpModel:SetCamDistanceScale() Функция еще не задокументированна.
DressUpModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() Функция еще не задокументированна.
DressUpModel:SetBackdropColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets a shading color for the frame's background graphic.
DressUpModel:SetBackdropBorderColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets a shading color for the frame's border graphic.
DressUpModel:SetBackdrop(backdrop) Sets a backdrop graphic for the frame.
DressUpModel:SetAttribute("name", value) Sets a secure frame attribute.
DressUpModel:SetAlpha(alpha) Sets the opacity of the region relative to its parent.
DressUpModel:SetAllPoints([region]) or DressUpModel:SetAllPoints(["name"]) Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region.
DressUpModel:ReplaceIconTexture("filename") Sets the icon texture used by the model.
DressUpModel:RegisterForDrag(...) Registers the frame for dragging.
DressUpModel:RegisterEvent("event") Registers the frame for an [[docs/eventsevent]]
DressUpModel:RegisterAllEvents() Registers the frame for all events.
DressUpModel:RefreshUnit() Updates the model's appearance to match that of its unit.
DressUpModel:RefreshCamera() Функция еще не задокументированна.
DressUpModel:Raise() Increases the frame's frame level above all other frames in its strata.
DressUpModel:Lower() Reduces the frame's frame level below all other frames in its strata.
visible = DressUpModel:IsVisible() Returns whether the region is visible.
enabled = DressUpModel:IsUserPlaced() Returns whether the frame is flagged for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions.
enabled = DressUpModel:IsToplevel() Returns whether the frame is automatically raised to the front when clicked.
shown = DressUpModel:IsShown() Returns whether the region is shown.
enabled = DressUpModel:IsResizable() Returns whether the frame can be resized by the user.
isProtected, explicit = DressUpModel:IsProtected() Returns whether the region is protected.
isType = DressUpModel:IsObjectType("type") Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type.
movable = DressUpModel:IsMovable() Returns whether the frame can be moved by the user.
enabled = DressUpModel:IsMouseWheelEnabled() Returns whether mouse wheel interactivity is enabled for the frame.
isOver = DressUpModel:IsMouseOver([topOffset [, leftOffset [, bottomOffset [, rightOffset]]]]) Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region.
enabled = DressUpModel:IsMouseEnabled() Returns whether mouse interactivity is enabled for the frame.