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Разговоры с НПС

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В категории материалов: 9
Показано материалов: 1-9

Название Описание
SelectGossipAvailableQuest Chooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC.
SelectGossipActiveQuest Chooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
SelectGossipOption Chooses and activates an NPC dialog option.
SelectGossipAvailableQuest Chooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC.
SelectGossipActiveQuest Chooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
GetNumGossipOptions Returns the number of non-quest dialog options for the current Gossip NPC.
GetGossipText Returns greeting or other text to be displayed in an NPC dialog.
GetGossipOptions Returns a list of interaction options for the Gossip NPC.
CloseGossip Ends an NPC "gossip" interaction.