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Название Описание
VoiceSelectCaptureDevice Selects an audio input device for voice chat.
VoicePushToTalkStop Used internally to stop talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat.
VoicePushToTalkStart Used internally to start talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat.
VoiceIsDisabledByClient Returns whether the voice chat system cannot be enabled.
VoiceGetCurrentOutputDevice Returns the index of the current voice output device.
VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDevice Returns the index of the current voice capture device.
VoiceChat_StopRecordingLoopbackSound Stops recording a Microphone Test.
VoiceChat_StopPlayingLoopbackSound Stops playing the Microphone Test recording.
VoiceChat_StopCapture This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
VoiceChat_StartCapture This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
VoiceChat_RecordLoopbackSound Begins recording a Microphone Test.
VoiceChat_PlayLoopbackSound Plays back the Microphone Test recording.
VoiceChat_IsRecordingLoopbackSound Returns whether a Microphone Test is recording.
VoiceChat_IsPlayingLoopbackSound Returns whether the Microphone Test recording is playing.
VoiceChat_GetCurrentMicrophoneSignalLevel Returns the current volume level of the microphone signal.
VoiceChat_ActivatePrimaryCaptureCallback This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
UnitIsTalking Returns whether a unit is currently speaking in voice chat.
UnitIsSilenced Returns whether a character is silenced on a voice channel.
UnSilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SetSelectedMute Selects an entry in the Muted list.
SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID Sets the currently active voice chat channel.
SetActiveVoiceChannel Sets the currently active voice channel.
IsVoiceChatEnabled Returns whether the voice chat system is enabled.
IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer Returns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server.
IsVoiceChatAllowed Returns whether the player is allowed to enable the voice chat feature.
IsSilenced Returns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel.
IsMuted Returns whether a character has been muted by the player.
GetVoiceStatus Returns whether a character has voice chat enabled.
GetVoiceSessionMemberInfoBySessionID Returns information about a member of a voice channel.
GetVoiceSessionInfo Returns information about a voice session.
GetVoiceCurrentSessionID Returns an identifier for the active voice session.
GetSelectedMute Returns the index of the selected entry in the Muted list.
GetNumVoiceSessions Returns the number of available voice channels.
GetNumVoiceSessionMembersBySessionID Returns the number of members in a voice channel.
GetNumMutes Returns the number of characters on the player's mute list.
GetMuteName Returns the name of a character on the mute list.
GetActiveVoiceChannel Returns the currently active voice channel.
DisplayChannelVoiceOff Disables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display.
DelMute Removes a character from the muted list for voice chat.
ChannelVoiceOn Enables voice chat in a channel.
ChannelVoiceOff Disables voice chat in a channel.
ChannelSilenceAll Silences a character for chat and voice on a channel.
AddOrDelMute Adds or removes a character from the voice mute list.
AddMute Adds a character to the muted list for voice chat.
GetMuteName Returns the name of a character on the mute list.
IsMuted Returns whether a character has been muted by the player.
VoiceSelectCaptureDevice Selects an audio input device for voice chat.
VoiceGetCurrentOutputDevice Returns the index of the current voice output device.
VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDevice Returns the index of the current voice capture device.

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