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В категории материалов: 43
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Название Описание
GetItemSpell Returns information about the spell cast by an item's "Use:" effect.
GetItemGem Returns information about gems socketed in an item.
EndRefund Confirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable.
EndBoundTradeable Confirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable.
UseItemByName Uses an arbitrary item (optionally on a specified unit)
ReplaceEnchant Confirms replacing an existing enchantment.
PickupItem Puts an arbitrary item onto the cursor.
ItemHasRange Returns whether an item has a range limitation for its use.
IsUsableItem Returns whether an item can currently be used.
IsItemInRange Returns whether the player is in range to use an item on a unit.
IsHelpfulItem Returns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units.
IsHarmfulItem Returns whether an item can be used against hostile units.
IsEquippedItemType Returns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped.
IsEquippedItem Returns whether an item is currently equipped.
IsEquippableItem Returns whether an item can be equipped.
IsDressableItem Returns whether an item's appearance can be previewed using the Dressing Room feature.
IsCurrentItem Returns whether an item is being used.
IsConsumableItem Returns whether an item is consumable.
GetReforgeItemInfo Returns information about the item currently in the 'reforge' slot.
GetItemUniqueness Returns information about uniqueness restrictions for equipping an item.
GetItemStats Returns a summary of an item's stat bonuses.
GetItemStatDelta Returns a summary of the difference in stat bonuses between two items.
GetItemSpell Returns information about the spell cast by an item's "Use:" effect.
GetItemQualityColor Returns color values for use in displaying items of a given quality.
GetItemInfo Returns information about an item, by name, link or id.
GetItemIcon Returns the path to an icon texture for the item.
GetItemGem Returns information about gems socketed in an item.
GetItemFamily Returns information about special bag types that can hold a given item.
GetItemCount Returns information about how many of a given item the player has or on remaining item charges.
GetItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an arbitrary item.
EquipItemByName Attempts to equip an arbitrary item.
EndRefund Confirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable.
EndBoundTradeable Confirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable.
DeleteCursorItem Destroys the item on the cursor.
ConfirmBindOnUse Confirms using an item, if using the item causes it to become soulbound.
BindEnchant Confirms enchanting an item (when the item will become soulbound as a result)
IsEquippedItemType Returns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped.
IsEquippedItem Returns whether an item is currently equipped.
EquipItemByName Attempts to equip an arbitrary item.
GetItemGem Returns information about gems socketed in an item.
PickupItem Puts an arbitrary item onto the cursor.
DeleteCursorItem Destroys the item on the cursor.
GetItemFamily Returns information about special bag types that can hold a given item.