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Название Описание
GetQuestLogRewardSpell Returns information about the spell reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints Returns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log.
UseQuestLogSpecialItem Uses the item associated with a current quest.
SortQuestWatches Sorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria.
SetAbandonQuest Begins the process of abandoning a quest in the player's quest log.
SelectQuestLogEntry Selects a quest from the quest log.
SelectAvailableQuest Chooses a quest available from the current Quest NPC.
SelectActiveQuest Selects a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC.
RemoveQuestWatch Removes a quest from the objectives tracker.
QuestLogPushQuest Shares a quest with other group members.
QuestGetAutoAccept Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestFlagsPVP Returns whether accepting the offered quest will flag the player for PvP.
QuestChooseRewardError Causes the default UI to display an error message indicating that the player must choose a reward to complete the quest presented by a questgiver.
QueryQuestsCompleted Queries the server for the player's completed quest information.
IsQuestWatched Returns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker.
IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange Returns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest.
IsQuestCompletable Returns whether the player can complete the quest presented by a questgiver.
IsCurrentQuestFailed Returns whether the player has failed the selected quest in the quest log.
IsAvailableQuestTrivial Returns whether a quest available from the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level.
IsActiveQuestTrivial Returns whether a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level.
GetWorldStateUIInfo Returns information about a world state UI element.
GetTitleText Returns the title text for the quest presented by a questgiver.
GetSuggestedGroupNum Returns the suggested group size for attempting the quest currently offered by a questgiver.
GetRewardXP Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest.
GetRewardTitle Returns the title awarded when completing a quest.
GetRewardText Returns questgiver dialog to be displayed when completing a quest.
GetRewardTalents Returns the talent points awarded when completing a quest.
GetRewardMoney Returns the amount of money awarded when completing a quest.
GetRewardHonor Returns the amount of honor points awarded when completing a quest.
GetQuestsCompleted Gets a table containing the quests the player has completed.
GetQuestWatchIndex Returns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log.
GetQuestTimers Returns a list of the times remaining for any active timed quests.
GetQuestText Returns the text for the quest offered by a questgiver.
GetQuestSpellLink Returns a hyperlink for a spell in a questgiver dialog.
GetQuestReward Finishes turning in a quest to a questgiver, selecting an item reward if applicable.
GetQuestResetTime Returns the amount of time remaining until the daily quest period resets.
GetQuestPortraitTurnIn Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display.
GetQuestPortraitGiver Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display.
GetQuestMoneyToGet Returns the amount of money required to complete the quest presented by a questgiver.
GetQuestLogTitle Returns information about an entry in the player's quest log.
GetQuestLogTimeLeft Returns time remaining for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogSpellLink Returns a hyperlink for a spell in the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo Returns information about a usable item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestLogSelection Returns the index of the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardXP Returns the experience reward at the player's level for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardTitle Returns the title reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardTalents Returns the talent point reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardSpell Returns information about the spell reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints Returns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log.