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В категории материалов: 25
Показано материалов: 1-25

Название Описание
SwapRaidSubgroup Swaps two raid members between subgroups in the raid.
SetRaidTarget Puts a raid target marker on a unit.
SetRaidSubgroup Moves a raid member to a non-full raid subgroup.
SetRaidRosterSelection Selects a unit in the raid roster.
SetAllowLowLevelRaid Enabling this if your character is below level 10 will allow you to join a raid group.
PromoteToAssistant Promotes a raid member to raid assistant.
IsRealRaidLeader Returns whether the player is the leader of a non-battleground raid.
IsRaidOfficer Returns whether the player is a raid assistant.
IsRaidLeader Returns whether the player is the raid leader.
IsListedInLFR Returns whether the player is currently listed in the Raid Browser.
InitiateRolePoll Initiates a raid-wide role check. Every raid member is required to set his own role in a popup role window.
GetRealNumRaidMembers Returns the number of members in the player's non-battleground raid.
GetRaidTargetIndex Returns the index of the raid target marker on a unit.
GetRaidRosterSelection Returns the index of the selected unit in the raid roster.
GetRaidRosterInfo Returns information about a member of the player's raid.
GetNumRaidMembers Returns the number of members in the player's raid.
DemoteAssistant Demotes the given player from raid assistant status.
ConvertToRaid Converts a party to a raid.
ConvertToParty Converts a raid to a party.
ConfirmReadyCheck Responds to a ready check.
CanBeRaidTarget Returns whether a unit can be marked with a raid symbol or not.
ConvertToRaid Converts a party to a raid.
ConvertToParty Converts a raid to a party.
ConfirmReadyCheck Responds to a ready check.
IsListedInLFR Returns whether the player is currently listed in the Raid Browser.