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В категории материалов: 28
Показано материалов: 1-28

Название Описание
TurnRightStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnRightStart`TurnRightStart`]]
TurnRightStart Begins turning the player character to the right.
TurnOrActionStop Ends action initiated by [[docs/api/TurnOrActionStart`TurnOrActionStart`]]
TurnOrActionStart Begins character steering or interaction (equivalent to right-clicking in the 3-D world)
TurnLeftStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnLeftStart`TurnLeftStart`]]
TurnLeftStart Begins turning the player character to the left.
ToggleRun Switches the character's ground movement mode between running and walking.
ToggleAutoRun Starts or stops the player character automatically moving forward.
StrafeRightStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeRightStart`StrafeRightStart`]]
StrafeRightStart Begins moving the player character sideways to his or her right.
StrafeLeftStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeLeftStart`StrafeLeftStart`]]
StrafeLeftStart Begins moving the player character sideways to his or her left.
SitStandOrDescendStart Causes the player character to sit down if standing and vice versa (or begins descent if swimming or flying)
PitchUpStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchUpStart`PitchUpStart`]]
PitchUpStart Begins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement upward.
PitchDownStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchDownStart`PitchDownStart`]]
PitchDownStart Begins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement downward.
MoveForwardStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveForwardStart`MoveForwardStart`]]
MoveForwardStart Begins moving the player character forward.
MoveBackwardStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveBackwardStart`MoveBackwardStart`]]
MoveBackwardStart Begins moving the player character backward.
MoveAndSteerStop Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveAndSteerStart`MoveAndSteerStart`]]
MoveAndSteerStart Begins moving the player character forward while steering via mouse movement.
JumpOrAscendStart Causes the player character to jump (or begins ascent if swimming or flying)
InteractUnit Interacts with (as with right-clicking on) a unit.
FollowUnit Causes the player character to automatically follow another unit.
DescendStop Stops movement initiated by [[docs/api/SitStandOrDescendStart`SitStandOrDescendStart`]]
AscendStop Stops movement initiated by [[docs/api/JumpOrAscendStart`JumpOrAscendStart`]]