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Lua библиотеки

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В категории материалов: 65
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Название Описание
xpcall Executes a function in protected mode with a custom error handler.
unpack Returns the list of elements in a table.
type Returns a string describing the data type of a value.
tremove Removes an element from a table.
tostring Returns a string representation of a value.
tonumber Returns the numeric value of a string.
tinsert Inserts a value into a table.
time Returns the numeric time value for a described date/time (or the current time)
tan Alternative to math.tan, using degrees instead of radians.
strupper Returns a copy of a string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase.
strsub Returns a substring of a string.
strrev Returns the reverse of a string.
strrep Returns a string produced by a number of repetitions of another string.
strmatch Returns the matches for a for a pattern in a string.
strlower Returns a copy of a string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
strlen Returns the number of characters in a string.
strfind Returns information about matches for a pattern in a string.
strchar Returns the character(s) for one or more numeric codes.
strbyte Returns the numeric code for one or more characters in a string.
sqrt Returns the square root of a number.
sort Sorts a table.
sin Alternative to math.sin, using degrees instead of radians.
setmetatable Sets the metatable for a table.
setfenv Sets the environment to be used by a function.
select Returns one or more values from a list (`...`), or the number of values in a list.
rawset Sets the value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods.
rawget Returns the real value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods.
rawequal Returns whether two values are equal without invoking any metamethods.
random Generates a pseudo-random number.
rad Converts an angle specified in degrees to radians.
pcall Executes a function in protected mode.
pairs Returns an iterator function for a table.
next Returns the next key/value pair in a table.
mod Returns the remainder from division of two numbers.
min Returns the least of a list of numbers.
max Returns the greatest of a list of numbers.
log10 Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
log Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
loadstring Loads and compiles Lua source code.
ldexp Returns the number generated by a normalized fraction and base-2 exponent.
ipairs Returns an iterator function for integer keys in a table.
gsub Returns a string in which occurrences of a pattern are replaced.
gmatch Returns an iterator function for finding pattern matches in a string.
getn This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
getmetatable Returns an object's metatable.
getfenv Returns the environment for a function (or the global environment)
gcinfo Returns the total Lua memory usage.
frexp Returns the normalized fraction and base-2 exponent for a number.
format Returns a formatted string containing specified values.
foreachi This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.

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