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Название Описание
UseSoulstone Instantly resurrects the player in place, if possible.
UseHearthstone Attempts to use the player's Hearthstone.
UnitXPMax Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level.
UnitXP Returns the player's current amount of experience points.
ToggleSheath Sheaths or unsheaths the player character's hand-held items.
SetCurrentTitle Changes a player's displayed title.
RetrieveCorpse Confirms resurrection by returning to the player's corpse.
ResurrectHasTimer Returns whether the player must wait before resurrecting.
ResurrectHasSickness Returns whether accepting an offered resurrection spell will cause the player to suffer Resurrection Sickness.
ResurrectGetOfferer Returns the name of a unit offering to resurrect the player.
RepopMe Releases the player's spirit to the nearest graveyard.
PlayerHasHearthstone Returns whether the player has a hearthstone in their bag.
OpeningCinematic Displays the introductory cinematic for the player's race.
OffhandHasWeapon Returns whether the player has an equipped weapon in the off hand slot.
IsXPUserDisabled Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player.
IsTitleKnown Returns whether the player has earned the ability to display a title.
IsSwimming Returns whether the player is currently swimming.
IsStealthed Returns whether the player is currently stealthed.
IsResting Returns whether the player is currently resting.
IsOutdoors Returns whether the player is currently outdoors.
IsOutOfBounds Returns whether the player is currently outside the bounds of the world.
IsMounted Returns whether the player is mounted.
IsIndoors Returns whether the player is currently indoors.
IsFlying Returns whether the player is currently flying.
IsFlyableArea Returns whether flight is allowed on the continent where the player is currently located.
IsFalling Returns whether the player is currently falling.
IsChatDND Returns whether the player's status is Busy.
IsChatAFK Returns whether the player's status is Away.
HasWandEquipped Returns whether the player has a wand equipped.
HasSoulstone Returns whether the player can instantly resurrect in place.
HasKey Returns whether the player has any keys stored in the Keyring container.
HasFullControl Returns whether the player character can be controlled.
GetXPExhaustion Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available.
GetUnitPitch Returns the player's current pitch (slope or angle of movement)
GetTitleName Returns the text of an available player title.
GetTimeToWellRested This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
GetRuneType Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources.
GetRuneCount Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots.
GetRuneCooldown Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources.
GetRestState Returns the player's current rest state.
GetResSicknessDuration Returns the duration of resurrection sickness at the player's current level.
GetReleaseTimeRemaining Returns the amount of time remaining until the player's spirit is automatically released when dead.
GetPlayerFacing Returns the player's orientation (heading)
GetNumTitles Returns the number of available player titles.
GetMaxPlayerLevel Returns the maximum level attainable by a player.
GetCurrentTitle Returns the currently selected player title.
GetCorpseRecoveryDelay Returns the amount of time left until the player can recover their corpse.
GetComboPoints Returns the player's number of combo points on the target.
GetBindLocation Returns the name of the player's Hearthstone location.
GetAverageItemLevel Returns the players average item level as displayed in the character pane.

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