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Название Описание
CalendarContextEventComplain Reports an event invitation as spam.
CalendarContextEventCanComplain Returns whether the player can report an event invitation as spam.
OpenCalendar Queries the server for calendar status information.
CalendarUpdateEvent Saves changes made to the selected event.
CalendarSetMonth Sets the calendar's month relative to its current month.
CalendarSetAbsMonth Set's the calendar's month to an absolute date.
CalendarRemoveEvent Removes the selected event invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from the selected guild event's signup list.
CalendarOpenEvent Selects a calendar event for viewing/editing.
CalendarNewGuildEvent Creates a new guild event and selects it for viewing/editing.
CalendarNewGuildAnnouncement Creates a new guild announcement and selects it for viewing/editing.
CalendarNewEvent Creates a new event and selects it for viewing/editing.
CalendarMassInviteGuild Repopulates the selected event's invite list with members of the player's guild.
CalendarMassInviteArenaTeam Repopulates the current event's invite list with members of one of the player's arena teams.
CalendarIsActionPending Returns whether an update to calendar information is in progress.
CalendarGetWeekdayNames Returns a list of localized weekday names.
CalendarGetRaidInfo Returns information about a raid lockout or scheduled raid reset event.
CalendarGetNumPendingInvites Returns the number of calendar invitations to which the player has yet to respond.
CalendarGetNumGuildEvents Returns the number of guild events in your calendar.
CalendarGetNumDayEvents Returns the number of calendar events on a given day.
CalendarGetMonthNames Returns a list of localized month names.
CalendarGetMonth Returns information about a calendar month.
CalendarGetMinHistoryDate Returns the earliest date for which information about past player events is available.
CalendarGetMinDate Returns the earliest date usable in the calendar system.
CalendarGetMaxDate Returns the latest date usable in the calendar system.
CalendarGetMaxCreateDate Returns the latest date for which events may be scheduled.
CalendarGetHolidayInfo Returns additional information about a holiday event.
CalendarGetFirstPendingInvite Returns the index of the first invitation on a given day to which the player has not responded.
CalendarGetEventInfo Returns information about the selected calendar event (for player/guild events)
CalendarGetEventIndex Returns the month, day, and index of the selected calendar event.
CalendarGetDayEvent Returns information about a calendar event on a given day.
CalendarGetDate Returns the current date (in the server's time zone)
CalendarGetAbsMonth Returns date information for a given month and year.
CalendarEventSortInvites Sorts the event invite/signup list.
CalendarEventSignUp Signs the player up for the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventSetType Changes the display type of the selected event.
CalendarEventSetTitle Changes the title for the selected event.
CalendarEventSetTime Changes the scheduled time of the selected event.
CalendarEventSetTextureID Changes the raid or dungeon instance for the selected event.
CalendarEventSetStatus Sets the status of a character on the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventSetSize Changes the maximum number of invites/signups for the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetRepeatOption Changes the repetition option for the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetModerator Grants moderator status to a character on the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventSetLockoutTime Changes the lockout time associated with the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetLockoutDate Changes the lockout date associated with the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetLocked Locks the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventSetDescription Changes the descriptive text for the selected event.
CalendarEventSetDate Changes the scheduled date of the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventSetAutoApprove Enables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventSelectInvite Selects an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventRemoveInvite Removes a character from the selected event's invite/signup list.

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