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В категории материалов: 47
Показано материалов: 1-47

Название Описание
GetPreviewTalentPointsSpent This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
GetPetTalentTree Returns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet.
HasPetSpells Returns whether the player's current pet has a spellbook.
TargetTotem Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
PickupPetAction Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot.
PetWait Instructs the pet to stay at its current location.
PetStopAttack Instructs the pet to stop attacking.
PetRename Renames the currently controlled pet.
PetPassiveMode Enables passive mode for the player's pet.
PetMoveTo Commands the player's pet to move to the targeted destination.
PetHasActionBar Returns whether the player's current pet has an action bar.
PetFollow Instructs the pet to follow the player.
PetDismiss Dismisses the currently controlled pet.
PetDefensiveMode Enables defensive mode for the player's pet.
PetCanBeRenamed Returns whether the player's pet can be renamed.
PetCanBeDismissed Returns whether a Dismiss Pet command should be available for the player's pet.
PetCanBeAbandoned Returns whether the player's pet can be abandoned.
PetAttack Instructs the pet to attack.
PetAggressiveMode Enables aggressive mode for the player's pet.
PetAbandon Releases the player's pet.
IsPetAttackActive Returns whether the pet's attack action is currently active.
HasPetUI Returns whether the pet UI should be displayed for the player's pet.
HasPetSpells Returns whether the player's current pet has a spellbook.
GetTotemTimeLeft Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears.
GetTotemInfo Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
GetPetTimeRemaining Returns the time remaining before a temporary pet is automatically dismissed.
GetPetTalentTree Returns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet.
GetPetIcon Returns an icon representing the current pet.
GetPetFoodTypes Returns a list of the food types the player's pet will eat.
GetPetExperience Returns information about experience points for the player's pet.
GetPetActionsUsable Returns whether the pet's actions are usable.
GetPetActionSlotUsable Returns whether a pet action can be used.
GetPetActionInfo Returns information about a pet action.
GetPetActionCooldown Returns cooldown information about a given pet action slot.
DestroyTotem Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
CastPetAction Casts a pet action on a specific target.
PickupPetAction Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot.
TargetTotem Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
GetTotemTimeLeft Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears.
GetTotemInfo Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
DestroyTotem Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
PickupPetAction Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot.
GetPetActionsUsable Returns whether the pet's actions are usable.
GetPetActionSlotUsable Returns whether a pet action can be used.
GetPetActionInfo Returns information about a pet action.
GetPetActionCooldown Returns cooldown information about a given pet action slot.
CastPetAction Casts a pet action on a specific target.