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UI/Визуальные функции

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В категории материалов: 12
Показано материалов: 1-12

Название Описание
message Shows a message box containing the given text.
ShowingHelm Returns whether the player's headgear is displayed.
ShowingCloak Returns whether the player's cloak is displayed.
ShowHelm Enables or disables display of the player's headgear.
ShowCloak Enables or disables display of the player's cloak.
SetupFullscreenScale Sizes a frame to take up the entire screen regardless of screen resolution.
ConsoleExec Runs a console command.
ConsoleAddMessage Prints text to the debug console.
ShowingHelm Returns whether the player's headgear is displayed.
ShowingCloak Returns whether the player's cloak is displayed.
ShowHelm Enables or disables display of the player's headgear.
ShowCloak Enables or disables display of the player's cloak.