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Название Описание
CalendarEventIsModerator Returns whether the player has moderator status for the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventInvite Attempts to invite a character to the selected event.
CalendarEventHaveSettingsChanged Returns whether the selected event has unsaved changes.
CalendarEventHasPendingInvite Returns whether the player has been invited to the selected event and not yet responded.
CalendarEventGetTypes Returns a list of event display style labels.
CalendarEventGetTextures Returns a list of instance names and icons for dungeon or raid events.
CalendarEventGetStatusOptions Returns a list of localized invite status labels.
CalendarEventGetSelectedInvite Returns the index of the selected entry on the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventGetRepeatOptions Returns a list of localized event repetition option labels (currently unused)
CalendarEventGetNumInvites Returns the number of characters on the selected calendar event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventGetInviteSortCriterion Returns the current sort mode for the event invite/signup list.
CalendarEventGetInviteResponseTime Returns the time at which a character on the selected event's invite/signup list responded.
CalendarEventGetInvite Returns information about an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventGetCalendarType Returns the type of the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventDecline Declines invitation to the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventClearModerator Removes moderator status from a character on the selected event's invite/signup list.
CalendarEventClearLocked Unlocks the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventClearAutoApprove Disables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventCanModerate Returns whether an event invitee can be granted moderator authority.
CalendarEventCanEdit Returns whether the player can edit the selected calendar event.
CalendarEventAvailable Accepts invitation to the selected calendar event.
CalendarDefaultGuildFilter Returns default options for the guild member Mass Invite filter.
CalendarContextSelectEvent Selects an event for use only with other `CalendarContext` functions.
CalendarContextInviteType Returns the invite type for an event.
CalendarContextInviteStatus Returns the player's invite status for an event.
CalendarContextInviteRemove Removes an invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from a guild event's signup list.
CalendarContextInviteModeratorStatus Returns the player's moderator status for an event.
CalendarContextInviteIsPending Returns whether the player has been invited to an event and not yet responded.
CalendarContextInviteDecline Declines an event invitation.
CalendarContextInviteAvailable Accepts an event invitation.
CalendarContextGetEventIndex Returns the month, day, and index of the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions.
CalendarContextEventSignUp Signs the player up for a guild event.
CalendarContextEventRemove Deletes an event from the calendar.
CalendarContextEventPaste Pastes a copied event into a given date.
CalendarContextEventGetCalendarType Returns the type of a calendar event.
CalendarContextEventCopy Copies an event for later pasting.
CalendarContextEventComplain Reports an event invitation as spam.
CalendarContextEventClipboard Returns whether the player can paste an event.
CalendarContextEventCanEdit Returns whether the player can edit an event.
CalendarContextEventCanComplain Returns whether the player can report an event invitation as spam.
CalendarContextDeselectEvent Clears the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions.
CalendarCloseEvent Deselects (ends viewing/editing on) an event.
CalendarCanSendInvite Returns whether the player can invite others to a calendar event.
CalendarCanAddEvent Returns whether the player can add an event to the calendar.
CalendarAddEvent Saves the event recently created (and selected for editing) to the calendar.

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