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В категории материалов: 21
Показано материалов: 1-21

Название Описание
SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter Filters the trainer service listing by service status.
SelectTrainerService Selects an entry in the trainer service listing.
OpenTrainer This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
IsTradeskillTrainer Returns whether the player is interacting with a trade skill trainer (as opposed to a class trainer)
GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter Returns whether the trainer service listing is filtered by a service status.
GetTrainerServiceSkillReq Returns information about the skill requirement for a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceSkillLine Returns the name of the skill line associated with a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReq Returns the number of ability requirements for purchasing a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceLevelReq Returns the character level required to purchase a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceItemLink Returns a hyperlink for the item associated with a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceInfo Returns information about an entry in the trainer service listing.
GetTrainerServiceIcon Returns the icon for a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceDescription Returns the description of a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceCost Returns the cost to purchase a trainer service.
GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq Returns information about an ability required for purchasing a trainer service.
GetTrainerSelectionIndex Returns the index of the currently selected trainer service.
GetTrainerGreetingText Returns the current trainer's greeting text.
GetNumTrainerServices Returns the number of entries in the trainer service listing.
CloseTrainer Ends interaction with a trainer.
BuyTrainerService Purchases an ability or recipe available from a trainer.
GetTrainerServiceItemLink Returns a hyperlink for the item associated with a trainer service.