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Канал общения

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В категории материалов: 43
Показано материалов: 1-43

Название Описание
DisplayChannelVoiceOn Enables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display.
ChannelUnSilenceVoice Unsilences a character on a chat channel.
ChannelUnSilenceAll Unsilences a character for chat and voice on a channel.
ChannelSilenceVoice Silences the given character for voice chat on the channel.
AddChatWindowChannel Adds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window.
UnSilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SetSelectedDisplayChannel Selects a channel in the channel list display.
SetChannelPassword Sets a password on a custom chat channel.
SetChannelOwner Gives channel ownership to another character.
ListChannels Requests a list of channels joined by the player.
ListChannelByName Requests the list of participants in a chat channel.
LeaveChannelByName Leaves a chat channel.
JoinTemporaryChannel Joins a channel, but does not save associated chat window settings.
JoinPermanentChannel Joins a channel, saving associated chat window settings.
IsDisplayChannelOwner Returns whether the player is the owner of the selected channel in the channel list display.
IsDisplayChannelModerator Returns whether the player is a moderator of the selected channel in the channel list display.
GetSelectedDisplayChannel Returns the selected channel in the channel list display.
GetNumDisplayChannels Returns the number of entries in the channel list display.
GetNumChannelMembers Returns the number of members in a chat channel.
GetChannelRosterInfo Returns information about a character in a chat channel in the channel list display.
GetChannelName Returns information about a chat channel.
GetChannelList Returns the list of the channels the player has joined.
GetChannelDisplayInfo Returns information about an entry in the channel list display.
ExpandChannelHeader Expands a group header in the chat channel listing.
EnumerateServerChannels Returns the available server channel names.
DisplayChannelVoiceOn Enables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display.
DisplayChannelOwner Requests information from the server about a channel's owner.
DeclineInvite Declines an invitation to a chat channel.
CollapseChannelHeader Collapses a group header in the chat channel listing.
ChannelUnmute Removes a character's ability to speak in a moderated chat channel.
ChannelUnmoderator Revokes moderator status from a character on a chat channel.
ChannelUnban Lifts the ban preventing a character from joining a chat channel.
ChannelUnSilenceVoice Unsilences a character on a chat channel.
ChannelUnSilenceAll Unsilences a character for chat and voice on a channel.
ChannelToggleAnnouncements Enables or disables printing of join/leave announcements for a channel.
ChannelSilenceVoice Silences the given character for voice chat on the channel.
ChannelMute Grants a character ability to speak in a moderated chat channel.
ChannelModerator Grants a character moderator status in a chat channel.
ChannelKick Removes a player from the channel.
ChannelInvite Invites a character to join a chat channel.
ChannelBan Bans a character from a chat channel.
AddChatWindowChannel Adds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window.