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В категории материалов: 18
Показано материалов: 1-18

Название Описание
TaxiNodeSetCurrent Sets the "current" flight path node.
TaxiNodePosition Returns the position of a flight point on the taxi map.
TaxiNodeName Returns the name of a flight point.
TaxiNodeGetType Returns the type of a flight pont.
TaxiNodeCost Returns the cost to fly to a given taxi node.
TaxiGetSrcY Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's source node.
TaxiGetSrcX Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's source node.
TaxiGetDestY Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node.
TaxiGetDestX Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node.
TakeTaxiNode Embarks on a taxi flight to a given destination.
SetTaxiMap Sets a Texture object to show the appropriate flight map texture.
SetTaxiBenchmarkMode Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode.
NumTaxiNodes Returns the number of flight points on the taxi map.
GetTaxiBenchmarkMode Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled.
GetNumRoutes Returns the number of hops from the current location to another taxi node.
CloseTaxiMap Ends interaction with the Taxi (flight master) UI.
SetTaxiBenchmarkMode Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode.
GetTaxiBenchmarkMode Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled.