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Управление курсором

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В категории материалов: 33
Показано материалов: 1-33

Название Описание
CursorHasSpell Returns whether a spell is on the cursor.
GetCursorMoney Returns the amount of money currently on the cursor.
DropCursorMoney Drops any money currently on the cursor, returning it to where it was taken from.
CursorHasMoney Returns whether an amount of the player's money is on the cursor.
MakeMinigameMove This is a Blizzard internal function.
GetMinigameType This is a Blizzard internal function.
GetMinigameState This is a Blizzard internal function.
ShowRepairCursor Puts the cursor in item repair mode.
ShowContainerSellCursor Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an item in the player's bags to a vendor.
CursorHasMacro Returns whether a macro is on the cursor.
CursorHasItem Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor.
CursorCanGoInSlot Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot.
AutoEquipCursorItem Equips the item on the cursor.
ShowRepairCursor Puts the cursor in item repair mode.
ShowMerchantSellCursor Changes the cursor to prepare for buying an item from a vendor.
ShowInventorySellCursor Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an equipped item to a vendor.
ShowContainerSellCursor Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an item in the player's bags to a vendor.
ShowBuybackSellCursor Changes the cursor to prepare for repurchasing an item recently sold to a vendor.
SetCursor Changes the mouse cursor image.
ResetCursor Returns the cursor to its normal appearance (the glove pointer) and behavior.
HideRepairCursor Returns the cursor to normal mode after use of [[docs/events/ShowRepairCursor`ShowRepairCursor()`]]
GetCursorPosition Returns the absolute position of the mouse cursor.
GetCursorMoney Returns the amount of money currently on the cursor.
GetCursorInfo Returns information about the contents of the cursor.
DropItemOnUnit "Gives" the item on the cursor to another unit; results vary by context.
DropCursorMoney Drops any money currently on the cursor, returning it to where it was taken from.
CursorHasSpell Returns whether a spell is on the cursor.
CursorHasMoney Returns whether an amount of the player's money is on the cursor.
CursorHasMacro Returns whether a macro is on the cursor.
CursorHasItem Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor.
CursorCanGoInSlot Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot.
ClearCursor Clears any contents attached to the cursor.
AutoEquipCursorItem Equips the item on the cursor.