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Информация о игровых характеристиках

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В категории материалов: 46
Показано материалов: 1-46

Название Описание
Stopwatch_StartCountdown Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Play Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Pause Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_IsPlaying Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_FinishCountdown Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Clear Функция еще не задокументированна.
UnitStat Returns information about a basic character statistic for the player or pet.
UnitResistance Returns information about the player's or pet's magic resistance.
UnitRangedDamage Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged attack damage and speed.
UnitRangedAttackPower Returns the player's or pet's ranged attack power.
UnitRangedAttack Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged weapon skill.
UnitDefense Returns the player's or pet's Defense skill.
UnitDamage Returns information about the player's or pet's melee attack damage.
UnitAttackSpeed Returns information about the unit's melee attack speed.
UnitAttackPower Returns the player's or pet's melee attack power.
UnitAttackBothHands Returns information about the player's or pet's weapon skill.
UnitArmor Returns the player's or pet's armor value.
ResistancePercent Returns the % value of spell resistance depending on resistance value and player level.
GetUnitPowerModifier Returns the mana modifier for the player's pet.
GetUnitMaxHealthModifier Returns the maximum health modifier for the player's pet.
GetUnitManaRegenRateFromSpirit Returns the increase in mana regeneration rate provided by Spirit.
GetUnitHealthModifier Returns the health modifier for the player's pet.
GetSpellPenetration Returns the amount of enemy magic resistance ignored due to the player's Spell Penetration Rating.
GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellect Returns additional spell critical strike chance provided by Intellect.
GetSpellCritChance Returns the player's spell critical strike chance for a spell school.
GetSpellBonusHealing Returns the player's amount of bonus healing.
GetSpellBonusDamage Returns the player's spell damage bonus for a spell school.
GetShieldBlock Returns the amount of damage prevented when the player blocks with a shield.
GetRangedHaste Returns information about the player's ranged haste.
GetRangedCritChance Returns the player's ranged critical strike chance.
GetPowerRegen Returns information about the player's mana/energy/etc regeneration rate.
GetParryChance Returns the player's parry chance.
GetMeleeHaste Returns information about the player's melee haste.
GetMaxCombatRatingBonus Returns the maximum possible percentage bonus for a given combat rating.
GetMastery Returns the mastery value of your character.
GetManaRegen Returns information about the player's mana regeneration rate.
GetExpertisePercent Returns the reduction in chance to be dodged or parried conferred by the player's expertise value.
GetExpertise Returns the player's current expertise value.
GetDodgeChance Returns the player's chance to dodge melee attacks.
GetCritChanceFromAgility Returns additional critical strike chance provided by Agility.
GetCritChance Returns the player's melee critical strike chance.
GetCombatRatingBonus Returns the percentage effect for the player's current value of a given combat rating.
GetCombatRating Returns the value of a combat rating for the player.
GetBlockChance Returns the player's percentage chance to block with a shield.
GetAttackPowerForStat Returns the attack power bonus provided by one of the player's basic statistics.
GetArmorPenetration Returns the percentage of enemy armor ignored due to the player's Armor Penetration Rating.