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Mac клиент

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В категории материалов: 25
Показано материалов: 1-25

Название Описание
MusicPlayer_VolumeUp Causes iTunes to raise its playback volume.
MusicPlayer_VolumeDown Causes iTunes to lower its playback volume.
MusicPlayer_PlayPause Causes iTunes to start or pause playback.
MusicPlayer_NextTrack Causes iTunes to play the next track in sequence.
MusicPlayer_BackTrack Causes iTunes to return to the previous track played.
MovieRecording_ToggleGUI Enables or disables inclusion of UI elements in a video recording.
MovieRecording_Toggle Begins or ends video recording.
MovieRecording_SearchUncompressedMovie Enables or disables a search for uncompressed movies.
MovieRecording_QueueMovieToCompress Queues an uncompressed movie for compression.
MovieRecording_MaxLength Returns the maximum length of recorded video for a given set of video recording parameters.
MovieRecording_IsSupported Returns whether movie recording is supported on the current system.
MovieRecording_IsRecording Returns whether movie recording is currently in progress.
MovieRecording_IsCursorRecordingSupported Returns whether the current system supports recording the mouse cursor in movies.
MovieRecording_IsCompressing Returns whether a movie file is currently being compressed.
MovieRecording_IsCodecSupported Returns whether a video codec is supported on the current system.
MovieRecording_GetViewportWidth Returns the current width of the game display.
MovieRecording_GetTime Returns the amount of time since video recording was last started.
MovieRecording_GetProgress Returns information about movie compression progress.
MovieRecording_GetMovieFullPath Returns a path to the movie currently being recorded or compressed.
MovieRecording_GetAspectRatio Returns the aspect ratio of the game display.
MovieRecording_DeleteMovie Deletes an uncompressed movie.
MovieRecording_DataRate Returns the data rate required for a given set of video recording parameters.
MovieRecording_Cancel Cancels video recording and compression.
IsMacClient Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client.
IsMacClient Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client.