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В категории материалов: 25
Показано материалов: 1-25

Название Описание
SetView Moves the camera to a saved camera setting.
SaveView Saves the current camera settings.
ResetView Resets a saved camera setting to default values.
PrevView Moves the camera to the previous predefined setting.
NextView Moves the camera to the next predefined setting.
MoveViewUpStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewUpStart`MoveViewUpStart`]]
MoveViewUpStart Begins orbiting the camera upward (to look down)
MoveViewRightStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewRightStart`MoveViewRightStart`]]
MoveViewRightStart Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the right.
MoveViewOutStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewOutStart`MoveViewOutStart`]]
MoveViewOutStart Begins zooming the camera outward (away from the player character)
MoveViewLeftStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewLeftStart`MoveViewLeftStart`]]
MoveViewLeftStart Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the left.
MoveViewInStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewInStart`MoveViewInStart`]]
MoveViewInStart Begins zooming the camera inward (towards/through the player character)
MoveViewDownStop Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewDownStart`MoveViewDownStart`]]
MoveViewDownStart Begins orbiting the camera downward (to look upward)
MouselookStop Disables mouselook mode.
MouselookStart Enables mouselook mode, in which cursor movement rotates the camera.
IsMouselooking Returns whether mouselook mode is active.
FlipCameraYaw Rotates the camera around the player.
CameraZoomOut Zooms the camera out by a specified distance.
CameraZoomIn Zooms the camera in by a specified distance.
CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop Ends action initiated by [[docs/api/CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart`CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart`]]
CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart Begins camera movement or selection (equivalent to left-clicking in the 3-D world)