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Название Описание
SetSendMailMoney Sets the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message.
GetSendMailMoney Returns the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message.
TakeInboxTextItem Requests a copy of a mail's body text as an item.
TakeInboxMoney Retrieves any money attached to a mail in the player's inbox.
TakeInboxItem Retrieves an item attachment from a message in the player's inbox (accepting COD charges if applicable)
SetSendMailShowing Enables or disables shortcuts for attaching items to outgoing mail.
SetSendMailMoney Sets the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message.
SetSendMailCOD Sets the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message.
SendMail Sends the outgoing message.
SelectStationery Selects a given stationery for usage when sending mail.
SelectPackage This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
ReturnInboxItem Returns a message in the player's inbox to its sender.
InboxItemCanDelete Returns whether a message in the player's inbox can be deleted.
HasNewMail Returns whether the player has received new mail since last visiting a mailbox.
GetStationeryInfo Returns information about a stationery type.
GetSendMailPrice Returns the cost to send the outgoing mail message.
GetSendMailMoney Returns the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message.
GetSendMailItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to the outgoing message.
GetSendMailItem Returns information for an item attached to the outgoing message.
GetSendMailCOD Returns the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message.
GetSelectedStationeryTexture Returns the currently selected stationery type.
GetPackageInfo This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
GetNumStationeries Returns the number of available stationery types.
GetNumPackages This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
GetLatestThreeSenders Returns the names of the last three senders of new mail.
GetInboxText Returns information about the text of an inbox mail.
GetInboxNumItems Returns the number of mails in the player's inbox.
GetInboxItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox.
GetInboxItem Returns information for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox.
GetInboxInvoiceInfo Returns auction house invoice information for a mail.
GetInboxHeaderInfo Returns information about a mail in the player's inbox.
DeleteInboxItem Deletes a mail from the player's inbox.
ComplainInboxItem Reports a mail as spam.
CloseMail Ends interaction with a mailbox.
ClickSendMailItemButton Picks up an item from or puts an item into an attachment slot for sending mail.
ClearSendMail Clears any text, items, or money from the mail to be sent.
CheckInbox Requests information on the player's mailbox contents from the server.
AutoLootMailItem Automatically takes any attached items and money from a mail.
GetSendMailItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to the outgoing message.
GetInboxItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox.
ClickSendMailItemButton Picks up an item from or puts an item into an attachment slot for sending mail.
ComplainInboxItem Reports a mail as spam.
GetInboxInvoiceInfo Returns auction house invoice information for a mail.