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Гильдейский банк

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В категории материалов: 41
Показано материалов: 1-41

Название Описание
WithdrawGuildBankMoney Attempts to withdraw money from the guild bank.
PickupGuildBankMoney Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor.
DepositGuildBankMoney Deposits money into the guild bank.
CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney Returns whether the player is allowed to withdraw money from the guild bank.
GetGuildBankTransaction Returns information about a transaction in the log for a guild bank tab.
GetGuildBankItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item in the guild bank.
WithdrawGuildBankMoney Attempts to withdraw money from the guild bank.
SplitGuildBankItem Picks up only part of a stack of items from the guild bank.
SetGuildBankText Sets the info text for a guild bank tab.
SetGuildBankTabPermissions Changes guild bank tab permissions for the guild rank being edited.
SetGuildBankTabInfo Sets the name and icon for a guild bank tab.
SetCurrentGuildBankTab Selects a tab in the guild bank.
QueryGuildBankText Requests guild bank tab info text from the server.
QueryGuildBankTab Requests information about the contents of a guild bank tab from the server.
QueryGuildBankLog Requests the item transaction log for a guild bank tab from the server.
PickupGuildBankMoney Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor.
PickupGuildBankItem Picks up an item from or puts an item into the guild bank.
GetNumGuildBankTransactions Returns the number of entries in a guild bank tab's transaction log.
GetNumGuildBankTabs Returns the number of purchased tabs in the guild bank.
GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions Returns the number of transactions in the guild bank money log.
GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney Returns the amount of money the player is allowed to withdraw from the guild bank per day.
GetGuildBankTransaction Returns information about a transaction in the log for a guild bank tab.
GetGuildBankText Returns text associated with a guild bank tab.
GetGuildBankTabPermissions Returns information about guild bank tab privileges for the guild rank currently being edited.
GetGuildBankTabInfo Returns information about a guild bank tab.
GetGuildBankTabCost Returns the cost of the next available guild bank tab.
GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction Returns information about a transaction in the guild bank money log.
GetGuildBankMoney Returns the amount of money in the guild bank.
GetGuildBankItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item in the guild bank.
GetGuildBankItemInfo Returns information about the contents of a guild bank item slot.
GetCurrentGuildBankTab Returns the currently selected guild bank tab.
DepositGuildBankMoney Deposits money into the guild bank.
CloseGuildBankFrame Ends interaction with the guild bank vault.
CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney Returns whether the player is allowed to withdraw money from the guild bank.
CanGuildBankRepair Returns whether the player is allowed to pay for repairs using guild bank funds.
CanEditGuildTabInfo Returns whether the player is allowed to edit a guild bank tab's information.
BuyGuildBankTab Purchases the next available guild bank tab.
AutoStoreGuildBankItem Withdraws the item(s) from a slot in the guild bank, automatically adding to the player's bags.
SplitGuildBankItem Picks up only part of a stack of items from the guild bank.
PickupGuildBankMoney Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor.
PickupGuildBankItem Picks up an item from or puts an item into the guild bank.