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Выбор цели

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В категории материалов: 17
Показано материалов: 1-17

Название Описание
TargetUnit Targets a unit.
TargetNearestRaidMember Cycles targets through nearby raid members.
TargetNearestPartyMember Cycles targets through nearby party members.
TargetNearestFriendPlayer Cycles targets through nearby friendly player units.
TargetNearestFriend Cycles targets through nearby friendly units.
TargetNearestEnemyPlayer Cycles targets through nearby enemy player units.
TargetNearestEnemy Cycles your target through the nearest enemy units.
TargetNearest Cycles targets through nearest units regardless of reaction/affiliation.
TargetLastTarget Targets the most recently targeted unit.
TargetLastFriend Targets the most recently targeted friendly unit.
TargetLastEnemy Targets the most recently targeted enemy unit.
SpellCanTargetUnit Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target can target a given unit.
FocusUnit Changes the `focus` unitID to refer to a new unit.
ClearTarget Clears the player's current target.
ClearFocus Clears the player's focus unit.
AssistUnit Targets the unit targeted by another unit.
SpellCanTargetUnit Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target can target a given unit.