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API Функции

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Название Описание
UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO Fires when information about instances to which the player is saved changes or becomes available.
UPDATE_GM_STATUS Fires when the player's GM ticket status (or ability to submit tickets) changes.
UPDATE_FLOATING_CHAT_WINDOWS Fires when chat window layout should be updated.
UPDATE_FACTION Fires when the contents of the reputation listing change or become available.
UPDATE_EXHAUSTION Fires when the player's rest state or amount of rested XP changes.
UPDATE_CHAT_WINDOWS Fires when saved chat window settings are loaded.
UPDATE_CHAT_COLOR_NAME_BY_CLASS Fires when settings for per-class color-coding of character names in chat are updated.
UPDATE_CHAT_COLOR Fires when the color settings for chat message types are updated.
UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR Fires when information about the bonus action bar changes or becomes available.
UPDATE_BINDINGS Fires when information about the player's key binding settings changes or becomes available.
UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS Fires when the player's status in a battleground or queue changes.
UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE Fires when information for the battleground scoreboard changes or becomes available.
UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE Fires when a unit's threat state changes.
UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE Fires when a non-player unit's threat list is updated.
UNIT_TARGETABLE_CHANGED Fires when the targetable status of a unit changes.
UNIT_TARGET Fires when a unit's target changes.
UNIT_STATS Fires when a unit's primary attributes change.
UNIT_SPELL_HASTE This event is not yet documented.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED Fires when a unit's spell cast succeeds.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP Fires when a unit stops or cancels casting a spell.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_START Fires when a unit begins casting a spell.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT Fires when a request to cast a spell (on behalf of the player or a unit controlled by the player) is sent to the server.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_NOT_INTERRUPTIBLE Fires when a unit's spell cast becomes uninterruptible.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTIBLE Fires when a unit's spell cast becomes interruptible again.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED Fires when a unit's spell cast is interrupted.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED_QUIET Fires when a unit's spell cast fails and no error message should be displayed.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED Fires when a unit's spell cast fails.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED Fires when a unit's spell cast is delayed.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE Fires when a unit's channeled spell is interrupted or delayed.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP Fires when a unit stops or cancels a channeled spell.
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START Fires when a unit starts channeling a spell.
UNIT_RESISTANCES Fires when a unit's magic resistances change.
UNIT_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER Fires when a unit's ranged attack power changes.
UNIT_RANGEDDAMAGE Fires when a unit's ranged attack damage changes. Also fires when a unit's ranged attack speed changes.
UNIT_QUEST_LOG_CHANGED Fires when a unit's quests change (accepted/objective progress/abandoned/completed)
UNIT_POWER_BAR_SHOW This event is not yet documented.
UNIT_POWER_BAR_HIDE This event is not yet documented.
UNIT_POWER Fires when a unit's power level changes.
UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE Fires when a unit's portrait changes (e.g. due to shapeshifting, being polymorphed, or equipping gear)
UNIT_PHASE Fires when a unit's phasing status changes.
UNIT_PET_EXPERIENCE Fires when the player's pet gains experience points.
UNIT_PET Fires when a unit gains or loses a pet.
UNIT_NAME_UPDATE Fires when a unit's name is changed.
UNIT_MODEL_CHANGED Fires when a unit's 3D model changes (e.g. due to shapeshifting, being polymorphed, or equipping gear)
UNIT_MAXPOWER Fires when the max power of a unit changes.
UNIT_MAXHEALTH Fires when a unit's maximum health changes.
UNIT_MANA Fires when a unit's mana level changes.
UNIT_LEVEL Fires when a unit's character level changes.
UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED Fires when the player (or inspected unit) equips or unequips items.
UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION This event is not yet documented.