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API Функции

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Название Описание
spacing = EditBox:GetSpacing() Returns the font instance's amount of spacing between lines.
width, height = EditBox:GetSize() Returns the width and height of the region.
xOffset, yOffset = EditBox:GetShadowOffset() Returns the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text.
shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha = EditBox:GetShadowColor() Returns the color of the font's text shadow.
handler = EditBox:GetScript("scriptType") Returns the widget's handler function for a script.
scale = EditBox:GetScale() Returns the frame's scale factor.
right = EditBox:GetRight() Returns the distance from the left edge of the screen to the right edge of the region.
... = EditBox:GetRegions() Returns a list of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
left, bottom, width, height = EditBox:GetRect() Returns the position and dimensions of the region.
EditBox:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() Функция еще не задокументированна.
point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset = EditBox:GetPoint(index) Returns information about one of the region's anchor points.
parent = EditBox:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
type = EditBox:GetObjectType() Returns the object's widget type.
num = EditBox:GetNumber() Returns the contents of the edit box as a number.
numRegions = EditBox:GetNumRegions() Returns the number of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
numPoints = EditBox:GetNumPoints() Returns the number of anchor points defined for the region.
numLetters = EditBox:GetNumLetters() Returns the number of text characters in the edit box.
numChildren = EditBox:GetNumChildren() Returns the number of child frames belonging to the frame.
name = EditBox:GetName() Returns the widget object's name.
minWidth, minHeight = EditBox:GetMinResize() Returns the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
maxWidth, maxHeight = EditBox:GetMaxResize() Returns the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
maxLetters = EditBox:GetMaxLetters() Returns the maximum number of text characters allowed in the edit box.
maxBytes = EditBox:GetMaxBytes() Returns the maximum number of bytes of text allowed in the edit box.
left = EditBox:GetLeft() Returns the distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the region.
justify = EditBox:GetJustifyV() Returns the font instance's vertical text alignment style.
justify = EditBox:GetJustifyH() Returns the font instance's horizontal text alignment style.
language = EditBox:GetInputLanguage() Returns the currently selected keyboard input language (character set / input method)
indent = EditBox:GetIndentedWordWrap() Returns whether long lines of text are indented when wrapping.
id = EditBox:GetID() Returns the frame's numeric identifier.
EditBox:GetHyperlinksEnabled() Функция еще не задокументированна.
left, right, top, bottom = EditBox:GetHitRectInsets() Returns the insets from the frame's edges which determine its mouse-interactable area.
count = EditBox:GetHistoryLines() Returns the maximum number of history lines stored by the edit box.
height = EditBox:GetHeight() Returns the height of the region.
strata = EditBox:GetFrameStrata() Returns the general layering strata of the frame.
level = EditBox:GetFrameLevel() Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
font = EditBox:GetFontObject() Returns the `Font` object from which the font instance's properties are inherited.
filename, fontHeight, flags = EditBox:GetFont() Returns the font instance's basic font properties.
scale = EditBox:GetEffectiveScale() Returns the overall scale factor of the frame.
depth = EditBox:GetEffectiveDepth() Returns the overall 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D configurations)
alpha = EditBox:GetEffectiveAlpha() Returns the overall opacity of the frame.
EditBox:GetDontSavePosition() Функция еще не задокументированна.
depth = EditBox:GetDepth() Returns the 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D setups)
position = EditBox:GetCursorPosition() Returns the current cursor position inside edit box.
left, right, top, bottom = EditBox:GetClampRectInsets() Returns offsets from the frame's edges used when limiting user movement or resizing of the frame.
... = EditBox:GetChildren() Returns a list of child frames of the frame.
x, y = EditBox:GetCenter() Returns the screen coordinates of the region's center.
left, bottom, width, height = EditBox:GetBoundsRect() Returns the position and dimension of the smallest area enclosing the frame and its children.
bottom = EditBox:GetBottom() Returns the distance from the bottom of the screen to the bottom of the region.
duration = EditBox:GetBlinkSpeed() Returns the rate at which the text insertion blinks when the edit box is focused.
red, green, blue, alpha = EditBox:GetBackdropColor() Returns the shading color for the frame's background graphic.