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API Функции

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Название Описание
EditBox:StopAnimating() Stops any active animations involving the region or its children.
EditBox:StartSizing() Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement.
EditBox:StartMoving() Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement.
EditBox:Show() Shows the region.
EditBox:SetWidth(width) Sets the region's width.
EditBox:SetUserPlaced(enable) Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions.
EditBox:SetToplevel(enable) Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked.
EditBox:SetTextInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets the insets from the edit box's edges which determine its interactive text area.
EditBox:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha) Sets the font instance's default text color.
EditBox:SetText("text") Sets the edit box's text contents.
EditBox:SetSpacing(spacing) Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines.
EditBox:SetSize(width, height) Sets the size of the region to the specified values.
EditBox:SetShadowOffset(xOffset, yOffset) Sets the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text.
EditBox:SetShadowColor(shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha) Sets the color of the font's text shadow.
EditBox:SetScript("scriptType", handler) Sets the widget's handler function for a script.
EditBox:SetScale(scale) Sets the frame's scale factor.
EditBox:SetResizable(enable) Sets whether the frame can be resized by the user.
EditBox:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetPoint("point" [, relativeTo [, "relativePoint" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]]) Sets an anchor point for the region.
EditBox:SetPassword(enable) Sets whether the text entered in the edit box is masked.
EditBox:SetParent(frame) or EditBox:SetParent("name") Makes another frame the parent of this region.
EditBox:SetNumeric(enable) Sets whether the edit box only accepts numeric input.
EditBox:SetNumber(num) Sets the contents of the edit box to a number.
EditBox:SetMultiLine(multiLine) Sets whether the edit box shows more than one line of text.
EditBox:SetMovable(enable) Sets whether the frame can be moved by the user.
EditBox:SetMinResize(minWidth, minHeight) Sets the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
EditBox:SetMaxResize(maxWidth, maxHeight) Sets the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
EditBox:SetMaxLetters(maxLetters) Sets the maximum number of text characters allowed in the edit box.
EditBox:SetMaxBytes(maxBytes) Sets the maximum number of bytes of text allowed in the edit box.
EditBox:SetJustifyV("justify") Sets the font instance's vertical text alignment style.
EditBox:SetJustifyH("justify") Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style.
EditBox:SetIndentedWordWrap(indent) Sets whether long lines of text are indented when wrapping.
EditBox:SetID(id) Sets a numeric identifier for the frame.
EditBox:SetHyperlinksEnabled() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetHitRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets the insets from the frame's edges which determine its mouse-interactable area.
EditBox:SetHistoryLines(count) Sets the maximum number of history lines stored by the edit box.
EditBox:SetHeight(height) Sets the region's height.
EditBox:SetFrameStrata("strata") Sets the general layering strata of the frame.
EditBox:SetFrameLevel(level) Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
EditBox:SetFontObject(object) or EditBox:SetFontObject("name") Sets the `Font` object from which the font instance's properties are inherited.
isValid = EditBox:SetFont("filename", fontHeight, "flags") Sets the font instance's basic font properties.
EditBox:SetFocus() Focuses the edit box for keyboard input.
EditBox:SetDontSavePosition() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetDepth(depth) Sets the 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D configurations)
EditBox:SetCursorPosition(position) Sets the cursor position in the edit box.
EditBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetClampedToScreen(enable) Sets whether the frame's boundaries should be limited to those of the screen.
EditBox:SetClampRectInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets offsets from the frame's edges used when limiting user movement or resizing of the frame.
EditBox:SetBlinkSpeed(duration) Sets the rate at which the text insertion blinks when the edit box is focused.
EditBox:SetBackdropColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets a shading color for the frame's background graphic.