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API Функции

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Название Описание
PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED This event is not yet documented.
PLAYER_DEAD Fires when the player dies.
PLAYER_DAMAGE_DONE_MODS Fires when an effect changes the player's spell bonus damage.
PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST Fires when the player loses control of his or her character.
PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED Fires when the player regains control of his or her character.
PLAYER_CAMPING Fires when the player attempts to log out while not in a major city, inn, or other "resting" area.
PLAYER_AVG_ITEM_LEVEL_READY Fires when the average item level of the player has been received from the server.
PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED Fires when the player gains or loses a buff or debuff.
PLAYER_ALIVE Fires when the player's spirit is released after death or when the player accepts a resurrection without releasing.
PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED Fires when the contents of a bank slot or bank bag slot are changed.
PLAYERBANKBAGSLOTS_CHANGED Fires when the number of bank bag slots purchased by the player changes.
PET_UI_UPDATE Fires when information about the player's pet changes or becomes available.
PET_UI_CLOSE Fires when information about the player's pet is no longer available.
PET_TALENT_UPDATE Fires when the player's pet talent information changes - that is, when the pet is summoned, dismissed, gains or spends talent points.
PET_STABLE_UPDATE_PAPERDOLL Fires when information about 3D models used in the pet stables becomes available.
PET_STABLE_UPDATE Fires when information about the pet stables' content changes or becomes available.
PET_STABLE_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with the pet stables.
PET_STABLE_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with the pet stables.
PET_SPELL_POWER_UPDATE This event is not yet documented.
PET_RENAMEABLE Fires when the player is prompted to rename a pet which has been renamed before.
PET_FORCE_NAME_DECLENSION Fires when the player is prompted to provide Russian declensions for a pet's name.
PET_DISMISS_START Fires when the player's pet is dismissed.
PET_BAR_UPDATE_USABLE This event is not yet documented.
PET_BAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown begins or ends for an ability on the pet action bar.
PET_BAR_UPDATE Fires when information about the content of the pet action bar changes or becomes available.
PET_BAR_SHOWGRID Fires when a pet ability is picked up onto the cursor.
PET_BAR_HIDEGRID Fires when a pet ability is removed from the cursor.
PET_BAR_HIDE Fires when the pet action bar should be hidden.
PET_ATTACK_STOP Fires when the player's pet stops auto-attacking.
PET_ATTACK_START Fires when the player's pet starts auto-attacking.
PETITION_VENDOR_UPDATE Fires when information about available options at an arena registrar becomes available.
PETITION_VENDOR_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with an arena registrar.
PETITION_VENDOR_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with an arena registrar.
PETITION_SHOW Fires when a guild or arena team charter is presented to the player.
PETITION_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a guild or arena team charter.
PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE Fires when an offline party member comes back online.
PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE Fires when a party member goes offline.
PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED Fires when information about the membership of the player's party changes or becomes available.
PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED Fires when information about the loot rules for the player's party changes or becomes available.
PARTY_LFG_RESTRICTED This event is not yet documented.
PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED Fires when information about the leadership of the player's party changes or becomes available.
PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST Fires when the player is invited to join a group.
PARTY_INVITE_CANCEL Fires when a pending invitation to join a group is no longer available.
PARTY_CONVERTED_TO_RAID Fires when the player's party becomes a raid group.
OPEN_TABARD_FRAME Fires when the player begins interaction with a tabard designer.
OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST Fires when the list of master loot candidates becomes available.
OLD_TITLE_LOST Fires when one of the player's titles is no longer available.
NPC_PVPQUEUE_ANYWHERE Fires when the player begins interaction with an NPC which can queue the player for any battleground.
NEW_TITLE_EARNED Fires when the player earns a new title.
NEW_AUCTION_UPDATE Fires when the content of the auction house's Create Auction item slot changes.