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API Функции

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Название Описание
TALENTS_INVOLUNTARILY_RESET Fires when the player's talents have undergone a forced reset.
TABARD_SAVE_PENDING Fires when the player attempts to save a guild tabard design.
TABARD_CANSAVE_CHANGED Fires when information about the player's ability to save a guild tabard design changes or becomes available.
SYNCHRONIZE_SETTINGS Fires when game options are manually synchronized with those saved on the server.
STREAMING_ICON Fires when the game starts or stops downloading or patching content that is not yet ready.
STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL Fires when the player stops repetition of an automatically repeating spell.
START_TIMER Tells TimerFrame what timebar to create, informs about the current time left and the original value it started to countdown from.
START_LOOT_ROLL Fires when an item becomes available for group loot rolling.
START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL Fires when the player casts a spell which automatically repeats.
SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE Fires when a spell becomes usable or unusable.
SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown on one of the player's spells begins or ends.
SPELL_PUSHED_TO_ACTIONBAR When you learn a spell and it's placed on the actionbar, this event fires and tells the IconIntroAnimation frame to animate the icon and place it on the actionbar slot.
SPELL_FLYOUT_UPDATE This event is not yet documented.
SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_SHOW Fires when the player receives a reactive buff that should appear on the screen overlay.
SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_HIDE This event is not yet documented.
SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_GLOW_SHOW Fires when a reactive spell becomes active.
SPELL_ACTIVATION_OVERLAY_GLOW_HIDE This event is not yet documented.
SPELLS_CHANGED Fires when information about the contents of the player's spellbook changes or becomes available.
SOUND_DEVICE_UPDATE Fires when information about sound input/output devices changes or becomes available.
SOCKET_INFO_UPDATE Fires when information about the contents of the item socketing UI changes or becomes available.
SOCKET_INFO_CLOSE Fires when the player ends interaction with the item socketing UI.
SKILL_LINES_CHANGED Fires when the content of the player's skill list changes.
SEND_MAIL_MONEY_CHANGED Fires when the amount of money attached to the outgoing mail message changes.
SEND_MAIL_COD_CHANGED Fires when the Cash On Delivery cost assigned for the outgoing mail message changes.
SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED Fires when a screenshot is successfully taken.
SCREENSHOT_FAILED Fires if an attempt to take a screenshot fails.
RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE Fires when the type of one of the player's rune resources changes.
RUNE_POWER_UPDATE Fires when the availability of one of the player's rune resources changes.
ROLE_POLL_BEGIN This event is not yet documented.
ROLE_CHANGED_INFORM Fires when a party/raid member's role is changed manually.
RESURRECT_REQUEST Fires when another character offers to resurrect the player.
RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT_WARNING This event is not yet documented.
REQUEST_CEMETERY_LIST_RESPONSE This event is not yet documented.
REPLACE_ENCHANT Fires when the player attempts to enchant an item which is already enchanted.
RECEIVED_ACHIEVEMENT_MEMBER_LIST Fires when the list of players that earned an achievement is received.
RECEIVED_ACHIEVEMENT_LIST This event is not yet documented.
READY_CHECK_FINISHED Fires when a ready check ends.
READY_CHECK_CONFIRM Fires when a unit responds to a ready check.
READY_CHECK Fires when a ready check is triggered.
RAISED_AS_GHOUL Fires when the player is raised as a ghoul by a friendly death knight.
RAID_TARGET_UPDATE Fires when raid target icons are assigned or cleared.
RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when the raid roster changes.
RAID_INSTANCE_WELCOME Fires when the player enters an instance that has a reset timer.
RAID_BOSS_WHISPER This event is not yet documented.
RAID_BOSS_EMOTE This event is not yet documented.
QUEST_WATCH_UPDATE Fires when the player's status regarding a quest's objectives changes, for instance picking up a required object or killing a mob for that quest. All forms of (quest objective) progress changes will trigger this event.
QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE Fires when quest completion information is available from the server.
QUEST_PROGRESS Fires when interacting with a questgiver about an active quest.
QUEST_POI_UPDATE This event is not yet documented.