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API Функции

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Translation:HookScript("scriptType", handler) Securely hooks a script handler.
hasScript = Translation:HasScript("scriptType") Returns whether the widget supports a script handler.
delay = Translation:GetStartDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays before its progress begins.
smoothType = Translation:GetSmoothing() Returns the smoothing type for the animation.
progress = Translation:GetSmoothProgress() Returns the progress of the animation (ignoring start and end delay)
handler = Translation:GetScript("scriptType") Returns the widget's handler function for a script.
region = Translation:GetRegionParent() Returns the `Region` object on which the animation operates.
progress = Translation:GetProgressWithDelay() Returns the progress of the animation and associated delays.
progress = Translation:GetProgress() Returns the progress of an animation, ignoring smoothing effects.
parent = Translation:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
order = Translation:GetOrder() Returns the order of the animation within its parent group.
xOffset, yOffset = Translation:GetOffset() Returns the animation's translation offsets.
type = Translation:GetObjectType() Returns the object's widget type.
name = Translation:GetName() Returns the widget object's name.
delay = Translation:GetEndDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays after finishing.
elapsed = Translation:GetElapsed() Returns the amount of time since the animation began playing.
duration = Translation:GetDuration() Returns the time for the animation to progress from start to finish.
Texture:StopAnimating() Stops any active animations involving the region or its children.
Texture:Show() Shows the region.
Texture:SetWidth(width) Sets the region's width.
Texture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets a color shading for the region's graphics.
Texture:SetVertTile() Функция еще не задокументированна.
visible = Texture:SetTexture("texture") or Texture:SetTexture(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets the texture object's image or color.
Texture:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom) or Texture:SetTexCoord(ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy) Sets corner coordinates for scaling or cropping the texture image.
Texture:SetSize(width, height) Sets the size of the region to the specified values.
Texture:SetRotation(radians) Rotates the texture image.
Texture:SetPoint("point" [, relativeTo [, "relativePoint" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]]) Sets an anchor point for the region.
Texture:SetParent(frame) or Texture:SetParent("name") Makes another frame the parent of this region.
Texture:SetNonBlocking(nonBlocking) Sets whether the texture object loads its image file in the background.
Texture:SetHorizTile() Функция еще не задокументированна.
Texture:SetHeight(height) Sets the region's height.
Texture:SetGradientAlpha("orientation", startR, startG, startB, startAlpha, endR, endG, endB, endAlpha) Sets a gradient color shading for the texture (including opacity in the gradient)
Texture:SetGradient("orientation", startR, startG, startB, endR, endG, endB) Sets a gradient color shading for the texture.
Texture:SetDrawLayer("layer", sublayer) Sets the layer at which the region's graphics are drawn relative to others in its frame.
supported = Texture:SetDesaturated(desaturate) Sets whether the texture image should be displayed with zero saturation (i.e. converted to grayscale)
Texture:SetBlendMode("mode") Sets the blend mode of the texture.
Texture:SetAlpha(alpha) Sets the opacity of the region relative to its parent.
Texture:SetAllPoints([region]) or Texture:SetAllPoints(["name"]) Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region.
visible = Texture:IsVisible() Returns whether the region is visible.
shown = Texture:IsShown() Returns whether the region is shown.
isProtected, explicit = Texture:IsProtected() Returns whether the region is protected.
isType = Texture:IsObjectType("type") Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type.
isOver = Texture:IsMouseOver([topOffset [, leftOffset [, bottomOffset [, rightOffset]]]]) Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region.
isDragging = Texture:IsDragging() Returns whether the region is currently being dragged.
desaturated = Texture:IsDesaturated() Returns whether the texture image should be displayed with zero saturation (i.e. converted to grayscale)
Texture:Hide() Hides the region.
width = Texture:GetWidth() Returns the width of the region.
red, green, blue, alpha = Texture:GetVertexColor() Returns the shading color of the texture.
Texture:GetVertTile() Функция еще не задокументированна.
top = Texture:GetTop() Returns the distance from the bottom of the screen to the top of the region.