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API Функции

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Название Описание
SetNextBarberShopStyle Selects the next style for a barber shop style option.
GetHairCustomization Returns a token used for displaying "hair" customization options.
GetFacialHairCustomization Returns a token used for displaying facial feature customization options.
GetBarberShopTotalCost Returns the total price of selected barber shop style changes.
GetBarberShopStyleInfo Returns information about the selected barber shop style option.
CancelBarberShop Exits a barber shop session.
CanAlterSkin Lets you check if the player can change their skin color.
BarberShopReset Resets barber shop options to the currently worn styles.
ApplyBarberShopStyle Purchases the selected barber shop style changes.
PurchaseSlot Purchases the next available bank slot.
GetNumBankSlots Returns information about purchased bank bag slots.
GetBankSlotCost Returns the cost of the next purchasable bank bag slot.
EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components.
CloseBankFrame Ends interaction with the bank.
BankButtonIDToInvSlotID Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a bank item or bag slot.
StartAuction Creates an auction for the item currently in the "auction item" slot.
SortAuctionSetSort Builds a list of sort criteria for auction listings.
SortAuctionItems Sorts the auction house listing.
SortAuctionClearSort Clears any current sorting rules for an auction house listing.
SortAuctionApplySort Applies a set of auction listing sort criteria set via [[docs/api/SortAuctionSetSort|`SortAuctionSetSort`]]
SetSelectedAuctionItem Selects an item in an auction listing.
QueryAuctionItems Requests data from the server for the list of auctions meeting given search criteria.
PlaceAuctionBid Places a bid on (or buys out) an auction item.
IsAuctionSortReversed Returns whether a sort criterion is applied in reverse order.
GetSelectedAuctionItem Returns the index of the currently selected item in an auction listing.
GetOwnerAuctionItems Requests data from the server for the list of auctions created by the player.
GetNumAuctionItems Returns the number of auction items in a listing.
GetInboxInvoiceInfo Returns auction house invoice information for a mail.
GetBidderAuctionItems Requests data from the server for the list of auctions bid on by the player.
GetAuctionSort Returns the current sort settings for auction data.
GetAuctionSellItemInfo Returns information about the item currently being set up for auction.
GetAuctionItemTimeLeft Returns the time remaining before an auction listing expires.
GetAuctionItemSubClasses Returns a list of localized subclass names for a given item class.
GetAuctionItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item in an auction listing.
GetAuctionItemInfo Returns information about an auction listing.
GetAuctionItemClasses Returns a list of localized item class (category) names.
GetAuctionInvTypes Returns a list of the inventory subtypes for a given auction house item subclass.
GetAuctionHouseDepositRate Returns the deposit rate for the current auction house.
CloseAuctionHouse Ends interaction with the Auction House UI.
ClickAuctionSellItemButton Picks up an item from or puts an item into the "Create Auction" slot.
CancelAuction Cancels an auction created by the player.
CanSendAuctionQuery Returns whether the player can perform an auction house query.
CanCancelAuction Returns whether one of the player's auctions can be canceled.
CalculateAuctionDeposit Returns the deposit amount for the item currently being set up for auction.
SortArenaTeamRoster Sorts the selected arena team's roster.
SetArenaTeamRosterShowOffline Enables or disables the inclusion of offline members in arena team roster listings.
SetArenaTeamRosterSelection Selects a member in an arena team roster.
IsInArenaTeam Returns whether the player is on an arena team.
IsArenaTeamCaptain Returns whether the player is the captain of an arena team.
IsActiveBattlefieldArena Returns whether the player is currently in an arena match.