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API Функции

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Название Описание
GetCVar Returns the value of a configuration variable.
UnitDebuff Returns information about a debuff on a unit.
UnitBuff Returns information about a buff on a unit.
UnitAura Returns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit.
GetWeaponEnchantInfo Returns information about temporary enchantments on the player's weapons.
GetBattlefieldStatInfo Returns information about a battleground-specific scoreboard column.
GetBattlefieldStatData Returns battleground-specific scoreboard information for a battleground participant.
GetBattlefieldScore Returns basic scoreboard information for a battleground/arena participant.
GetBattlefieldPosition Returns the position of a battleground team member not in the player's group.
GetBattlefieldPortExpiration Returns the time left on a battleground or arena invitation.
GetBattlefieldMapIconScale Returns the scale to be used for displaying battleground map icons.
GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime Returns the amount of time since the current battleground instance opened.
GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration Returns the amount of time remaining before all players are removed from the instance, if in a battleground instance where the match has completed.
GetBattlefieldFlagPosition Returns the position of a flag in a battleground.
GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime Returns the estimated wait time on a battleground or arena queue.
GetBattlefieldArenaFaction Функция еще не задокументированна.
GetAreaSpiritHealerTime Returns the time remaining until a nearby battleground spirit healer resurrects all players in its area.
CancelAreaSpiritHeal Declines the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer.
CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup Returns whether the battleground for which the player is queueing supports joining as a group.
AcceptBattlefieldPort Accepts the offered teleport to a battleground/arena or leaves the battleground/arena or queue.
AcceptAreaSpiritHeal Accepts the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer.
BNTokenCombineGivenAndSurname Returns a combined link for the surname and given name for a RealID.
BNSetMatureLanguageFilter Sets the Mature Language Filter option.
BNSetFriendNote Changes the private note for a RealID friend.
BNSetCustomMessage Sets the player's current RealID broadcast message.
BNIsSelf Returns whether or not the presence ID is the one of the player.
BNInviteToConversation Invite a friend into an existing conversation.
BNGetToonInfo Returns information about the active toon tied to a RealID friend.
BNGetSelectedFriend Returns the index of the selected user on your friend's list.
BNGetNumFriends Returns total number of RealID friends and currently online number of RealID friends.
BNGetNumFriendToons Returns the number of online toons for a friend.
BNGetNumConversationMembers Returns the number of members in a conversation.
BNGetMaxPlayersInConversation Returns the maximum number of realID friends you can have in one conversation.
BNGetMaxNumConversations Returns the maximum number of simultanious RealID conversations you can be a part of.
BNGetMatureLanguageFilter Returns boolean for the Mature Language Filter option's state.
BNGetInfo Returns information about the player's RealID settings.
BNGetFriendToonInfo Returns information about a particular online toon tied to a RealID friend.
BNGetFriendInfoByID Returns information about a RealID friend.
BNGetFriendInfo Returns information about a RealID friend by index.
BNGetFOFInfo Returns information about the specified friend of a RealID friend.
BNGetConversationMemberInfo Returns information about a member of a conversation.
BNGetConversationInfo Returns information about an existing conversation.
BNGetBlockedToonInfo Функция еще не задокументированна.
BNGetBlockedInfo Функция еще не задокументированна.
BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnected Функция еще не задокументированна.
BNFeaturesEnabled Returns whether or not RealID services are disabled.
BNDeclineFriendInvite Функция еще не задокументированна.
BNCreateConversation Create a conversation between you and two friends.
BNConnected Returns whether or not the player is connected to
BNAcceptFriendInvite Функция еще не задокументированна.