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API Функции

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Название Описание
difftime Returns the number of seconds between two time values.
deg Converts an angle measurement in radians to degrees.
date Returns a formatted date/time string for a date (or the current date)
cos Alternative to math.cos, using degrees instead of radians.
collectgarbage Interface to the Lua garbage collector.
ceil Returns the smallest integer larger than or equal to a number.
atan Alternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians.
assert Causes a Lua error if a condition is failed.
asin Alternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians.
acos Alternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians.
abs Returns the absolute value of a number.
SetOptOutOfLoot Changes the player's preference to opt out of loot rolls.
SetLootThreshold Sets the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods.
SetLootPortrait Sets a Texture object to show the appropriate portrait image when looting.
SetLootMethod Sets the loot method for a party or raid group.
RollOnLoot Register the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling.
LootSlotIsItem Returns whether a loot slot contains an item.
LootSlotIsCurrency Returns whether a loot slot contains a currency.
LootSlotIsCoin Returns whether a loot slot contains money.
LootSlot Attempts to pick up an item available as loot.
IsFishingLoot Returns whether the currently displayed loot came from fishing.
GiveMasterLoot Awards a loot item to a group member.
GetOptOutOfLoot Returns whether the player has opted out of loot rolls.
GetNumLootItems Returns the number of items available to be looted.
GetMasterLootCandidate Returns information about a given loot candidate.
GetLootThreshold Returns the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods.
GetLootSlotLink Returns a hyperlink for an item available as loot.
GetLootSlotInfo Returns a hyperlink for an item available as loot.
GetLootRollTimeLeft Returns the amount of time remaining before loot rolling for an item expires.
GetLootRollItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item currently up for loot rolling.
GetLootRollItemInfo Returns information about an item currently up for loot rolling.
GetLootMethod Returns information about the current loot method in a party or raid.
ConfirmLootSlot Confirms picking up an item available as loot.
ConfirmLootRoll Confirms the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling.
CloseLoot Ends interaction with a lootable corpse or object.
UninviteUnit Removes a character from the player's party or raid.
SetLFGRoles Sets group roles for which to advertise the player in the LFG system.
SetLFGDungeon Sets a flag indicating that the player would like to join a given dungeon/queue.
SetLFGComment Associates a brief text comment with the player's listing in the LFG system.
RequestLFDPlayerLockInfo Requests instance lockout and Call to Arms dungeon reward information.
RejectProposal Rejects a LFG dungeon invite.
LeaveLFG Leave the LFG queue.
JoinLFG Joins the player to the LFG system.
IsListedInLFR Returns whether the player is currently listed in the Raid Browser.
GetRandomDungeonBestChoice Returns the dungeonID of the random dungeon group that provides the best loot for the player.
GetLFGTypes Returns a list of LFG query types.
GetLFGRoles Returns the group roles for which the player has signed up in the LFG system.
GetLFGQueueStats Returns information about a LFD queue when you are in the queue.
GetLFGMode Provides information about the LFG status of the player.
GetLFGDungeonInfo Retrieves specific LFD information, not limited by player level and all dungeons can be looked up.