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API Функции

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Название Описание
SetMacroSpell Changes the spell used for dynamic feedback for a macro.
SetMacroItem Changes the item used for dynamic feedback for a macro.
SecureCmdOptionParse Returns the action (and target, if applicable) for a secure macro command.
RunMacroText Runs arbitrary text as a macro.
RunMacro Runs a macro.
PickupMacro Puts a macro onto the cursor.
GetRunningMacroButton Returns the mouse button that was used to activate the running macro.
GetRunningMacro Returns the index of the currently running macro.
GetNumMacros Returns the number of macros the player has stored.
GetNumMacroItemIcons Returns the number of available item icons.
GetNumMacroIcons Returns the number of available macro icons.
GetMacroSpell Returns information about the spell cast by a macro.
GetMacroItemIconInfo Returns the texture for an item icon.
GetMacroItem Returns information about the item used by a macro.
GetMacroInfo Returns information about a macro.
GetMacroIndexByName Returns the index of a macro specified by name.
GetMacroIconInfo Returns the texture for a macro icon option.
GetMacroBody Returns the body text of a macro.
EditMacro Changes the name, icon, and/or body of a macro.
DeleteMacro Deletes a macro.
CursorHasMacro Returns whether a macro is on the cursor.
CreateMacro Creates a new macro.
MusicPlayer_VolumeUp Causes iTunes to raise its playback volume.
MusicPlayer_VolumeDown Causes iTunes to lower its playback volume.
MusicPlayer_PlayPause Causes iTunes to start or pause playback.
MusicPlayer_NextTrack Causes iTunes to play the next track in sequence.
MusicPlayer_BackTrack Causes iTunes to return to the previous track played.
MovieRecording_ToggleGUI Enables or disables inclusion of UI elements in a video recording.
MovieRecording_Toggle Begins or ends video recording.
MovieRecording_SearchUncompressedMovie Enables or disables a search for uncompressed movies.
MovieRecording_QueueMovieToCompress Queues an uncompressed movie for compression.
MovieRecording_MaxLength Returns the maximum length of recorded video for a given set of video recording parameters.
MovieRecording_IsSupported Returns whether movie recording is supported on the current system.
MovieRecording_IsRecording Returns whether movie recording is currently in progress.
MovieRecording_IsCursorRecordingSupported Returns whether the current system supports recording the mouse cursor in movies.
MovieRecording_IsCompressing Returns whether a movie file is currently being compressed.
MovieRecording_IsCodecSupported Returns whether a video codec is supported on the current system.
MovieRecording_GetViewportWidth Returns the current width of the game display.
MovieRecording_GetTime Returns the amount of time since video recording was last started.
MovieRecording_GetProgress Returns information about movie compression progress.
MovieRecording_GetMovieFullPath Returns a path to the movie currently being recorded or compressed.
MovieRecording_GetAspectRatio Returns the aspect ratio of the game display.
MovieRecording_DeleteMovie Deletes an uncompressed movie.
MovieRecording_DataRate Returns the data rate required for a given set of video recording parameters.
MovieRecording_Cancel Cancels video recording and compression.
IsMacClient Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client.
xpcall Executes a function in protected mode with a custom error handler.
unpack Returns the list of elements in a table.
type Returns a string describing the data type of a value.
tremove Removes an element from a table.