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API Функции

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Название Описание
debuglocals Returns information about the local variables at a given stack depth.
SetPortraitToTexture Sets a Texture object to display an arbitrary texture, altering it to fit a circular frame.
SecondsToTime Returns a description of an amount of time in appropriate units.
RunScript Runs a string as a Lua script.
RequestTimePlayed Requests information from the server about the player character's total time spent online.
RegisterForSavePerCharacter Enables a global variable for automatic saving (on a per-character basis) upon logout & UI reload.
RegisterForSave Enables a global variable for automatic saving upon logout & UI reload.
IsMouseButtonDown Returns whether a given mouse button is held down.
IsLoggedIn Returns whether the login process has completed.
GetTime Returns a number representing the current time (with millisecond precision)
GetText Returns a localized string according to given parameters.
GetNumFrames Returns the number of existing Frame objects (and derivatives)
GetMuteName Returns the name of a character on the mute list.
GetMouseFocus Returns the frame that is currently under the mouse, and has mouse input enabled.
GetMouseButtonName Returns the name for a mouse button specified by number.
GetMouseButtonClicked Returns which mouse button triggered the current script.
GetMirrorTimerProgress Returns a high-resolution value for a special countdown timer.
GetMirrorTimerInfo Returns information about special countdown timers.
GetFramesRegisteredForEvent Returns all frames registered for a given event.
GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus Returns the frame currently handling keyboard input.
GetClickFrame Returns the Frame object associated with the given name.
GetAutoCompleteResults Returns a list of character names which complete a given partial name prefix.
EnumerateFrames Returns the next frame following the frame passed, or nil if no more frames exist.
CreateFrame Creates a new Frame object.
CreateFont Creates a new Font object.
UnitUsingVehicle Returns whether a unit is using a vehicle.
UnitSpellHaste Returns the unit's spell haste as a percentage.
UnitSex Returns the gender of the given unit or player.
UnitSetRole Sets a unit's role in the group or raid.
UnitSelectionColor Returns a color indicating hostility and related status of a unit.
UnitReaction Returns the reaction of one unit with regards to another as a number.
UnitRace Returns the name of a unit's race.
UnitPowerType Returns the power type (energy, mana, rage) of the given unit.
UnitPowerMax Returns a unit's maximum mana, rage, energy or other power type.
UnitPower Returns a unit's current level of mana, rage, energy or other power type.
UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid or belongs to a raid member.
UnitPlayerOrPetInParty Returns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member.
UnitPlayerControlled Returns whether a unit is controlled by a player.
UnitPVPRank Returns a unit's PVP rank as a number.
UnitPVPName Returns the name of a unit including the unit's current title.
UnitOnTaxi Returns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)
UnitName Returns the name of a unit.
UnitManaMax This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
UnitMana This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
UnitLevel Returns a unit's level.
UnitIsVisible Returns whether a unit is in the player's area of interest.
UnitIsUnit Returns whether two unit references are to the same unit.
UnitIsTrivial Returns whether a unit is trivial at the player's level.
UnitIsTappedByPlayer Returns whether a unit is tapped by the player or the player's group.
UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList Returns whether a unit allows all players on its threat list to receive kill credit.