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API Функции

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Название Описание
Region:SetPoint("point" [, relativeTo [, "relativePoint" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]]) Sets an anchor point for the region.
Region:SetParent(frame) or Region:SetParent("name") Makes another frame the parent of this region.
Region:SetHeight(height) Sets the region's height.
Region:SetAllPoints([region]) or Region:SetAllPoints(["name"]) Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region.
isProtected, explicit = Region:IsProtected() Returns whether the region is protected.
isType = Region:IsObjectType("type") Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type.
isOver = Region:IsMouseOver([topOffset [, leftOffset [, bottomOffset [, rightOffset]]]]) Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region.
isDragging = Region:IsDragging() Returns whether the region is currently being dragged.
width = Region:GetWidth() Returns the width of the region.
top = Region:GetTop() Returns the distance from the bottom of the screen to the top of the region.
width, height = Region:GetSize() Returns the width and height of the region.
right = Region:GetRight() Returns the distance from the left edge of the screen to the right edge of the region.
left, bottom, width, height = Region:GetRect() Returns the position and dimensions of the region.
point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset = Region:GetPoint(index) Returns information about one of the region's anchor points.
parent = Region:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
type = Region:GetObjectType() Returns the object's widget type.
numPoints = Region:GetNumPoints() Returns the number of anchor points defined for the region.
name = Region:GetName() Returns the widget object's name.
left = Region:GetLeft() Returns the distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the region.
height = Region:GetHeight() Returns the height of the region.
x, y = Region:GetCenter() Returns the screen coordinates of the region's center.
bottom = Region:GetBottom() Returns the distance from the bottom of the screen to the bottom of the region.
... = Region:GetAnimationGroups() Returns a list of animation groups belonging to the region.
animationGroup = Region:CreateAnimationGroup(["name" [, "inheritsFrom"]]) Creates a new AnimationGroup as a child of the region.
Region:ClearAllPoints() Removes all anchor points from the region.
canChange = Region:CanChangeProtectedState() Returns whether protected properties of the region can be changed by non-secure scripts.
QuestPOIFrame:UpdateMouseOverTooltip() Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestPOIFrame:UnregisterEvent("event") Unregisters the frame for an event.
QuestPOIFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/eventsevents]] for which it is registered.
QuestPOIFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing`:StartSizing()`]]
QuestPOIFrame:StopAnimating() Stops any active animations involving the region or its children.
QuestPOIFrame:StartSizing() Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement.
QuestPOIFrame:StartMoving() Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement.
QuestPOIFrame:Show() Shows the region.
QuestPOIFrame:SetWidth(width) Sets the region's width.
QuestPOIFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable) Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions.
QuestPOIFrame:SetToplevel(enable) Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked.
QuestPOIFrame:SetSize(width, height) Sets the size of the region to the specified values.
QuestPOIFrame:SetScript("scriptType", handler) Sets the widget's handler function for a script.
QuestPOIFrame:SetScale(scale) Sets the frame's scale factor.
QuestPOIFrame:SetResizable(enable) Sets whether the frame can be resized by the user.
QuestPOIFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestPOIFrame:SetPoint("point" [, relativeTo [, "relativePoint" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]]) Sets an anchor point for the region.
QuestPOIFrame:SetParent(frame) or QuestPOIFrame:SetParent("name") Makes another frame the parent of this region.
QuestPOIFrame:SetNumSplinePoints() Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestPOIFrame:SetMovable(enable) Sets whether the frame can be moved by the user.
QuestPOIFrame:SetMinResize(minWidth, minHeight) Sets the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
QuestPOIFrame:SetMergeThreshold() Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestPOIFrame:SetMaxResize(maxWidth, maxHeight) Sets the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
QuestPOIFrame:SetID(id) Sets a numeric identifier for the frame.