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API Функции

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Название Описание
AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with an auction house.
AUCTION_HOUSE_DISABLED Fires when the server refuses to give the player access to the auction house because it is disabled.
AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with an auction house.
AUCTION_BIDDER_LIST_UPDATE Fires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions bid on by the player.
ARTIFACT_UPDATE Fires when the artifact display should be updated.
ARTIFACT_HISTORY_READY Fires when the created artifact listing data of the player becomes available.
ARTIFACT_DIG_SITE_UPDATED Fires when a new archaeology digsite appears on the map, or an old one disappears.
ARTIFACT_COMPLETE Fires when an artifact is completed (solved project)
ARENA_TEAM_UPDATE Fires when the player joins or leaves an arena team.
ARENA_TEAM_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when roster detail information for one of the player's arena teams becomes available.
ARENA_TEAM_INVITE_REQUEST Fires when the player is invited to join an arena team.
ARENA_SEASON_WORLD_STATE Fires when the arena season changes.
ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE Fires when the availability of information about an arena opponent changes.
AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_OUT_OF_RANGE Fires when the player enters leaves the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units.
AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_IN_RANGE Fires when the player enters into the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units.
ARCHAEOLOGY_TOGGLE Fires when the archeology panel is opened or closed.
ARCHAEOLOGY_CLOSED Fires when the archeology panel is closed.
ADDON_LOADED Fires when an addon and its saved variables are loaded.
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to use a protected API.
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to use a protected API.
ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED Fires when the player (with Dual Talent Specialization enabled) switches talent builds.
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE Fires when an action becomes usable or unusable.
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE Fires when the state of an action bar item changes.
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown for an action bar item begins or ends.
ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED Fires when the contents of an action bar slot change.
ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is picked up onto the cursor.
ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED Fires when the main action bar changes pages.
ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is removed from the cursor.
ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED Fires when the player earns an achievement.
PreClick Run immediately before the button's `OnClick` handler with the same arguments.
PostClick Run immediately following the button's `OnClick` handler with the same arguments.
OnVerticalScroll Run when the scroll frame's vertical scroll position changes.
OnValueChanged Run when the slider's or status bar's value changes.
OnUpdateModel Run when a model changes or animates.
OnUpdate Run each time the screen is drawn by the game engine.
OnTooltipSetUnit Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a unit.
OnTooltipSetSpell Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a spell.
OnTooltipSetQuest Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a quest.
OnTooltipSetItem Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an item.
OnTooltipSetFrameStack Run when the tooltip is filled with a list of frames under the mouse cursor.
OnTooltipSetEquipmentSet Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an equipment set.
OnTooltipSetDefaultAnchor Run when the tooltip is repositioned to its default anchor location.
OnTooltipSetAchievement Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an achievement.
OnTooltipCleared Run when the tooltip is hidden or its content is cleared.
OnTooltipAddMoney Run when an amount of money should be added to the tooltip.
OnTextSet Run when the edit box's text is set programmatically.
OnTextChanged Run when the edit box's text is changed.
OnTabPressed Run when the Tab key is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.
OnStop Run when the animation (or animation group) is stopped.
OnSpacePressed Run when the space bar is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.