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API Функции

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Название Описание
SetChatColorNameByClass Sets whether the player names should be colored by class for a given chat type.
SendChatMessage Sends a chat message.
ResetChatWindows Removes all saved chat window settings, resetting them to default values.
ResetChatColors Removes all saved color settings for chat message types, resetting them to default values.
RemoveChatWindowMessages Removes a message type from a chat window's list of saved message subscriptions.
RemoveChatWindowChannel Removes a channel from a chat window's list of saved channel subscriptions.
RandomRoll Initiates a public, server-side "dice roll"
LoggingCombat Enables or disables saving combat log data to a file.
LoggingChat Enables or disables saving chat text to a file.
GetNumLanguages Returns the number of languages the player character can speak.
GetLanguageByIndex Returns the localized name of a player character language.
GetDefaultLanguage Returns the name of the player character's default language.
GetChatWindowMessages Returns the saved list of messages to which a chat window is subscribed.
GetChatWindowInfo Returns the saved settings for a chat window.
GetChatWindowChannels Returns the saved list of channels to which a chat window is subscribed.
GetChatTypeIndex Returns the numeric index corresponding to a chat message type.
DoEmote Performs a preset emote (with optional target)
ComplainChat Reports a chat message as spam.
ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter Removes a previously set chat message filter.
ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFilters Returns the list of filters registered for a chat event.
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter Adds a function to filter or alter messages to the chat display system.
ChangeChatColor Changes the color associated with a chat message type.
CanComplainChat Returns whether a chat message can be reported as spam.
BNCreateConversation Create a conversation between you and two friends.
AddChatWindowMessages Adds a message type to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window.
AddChatWindowChannel Adds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window.
UnSilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SilenceMember This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SetSelectedDisplayChannel Selects a channel in the channel list display.
SetChannelPassword Sets a password on a custom chat channel.
SetChannelOwner Gives channel ownership to another character.
SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID Sets the currently active voice chat channel.
SetActiveVoiceChannel Sets the currently active voice channel.
RemoveChatWindowChannel Removes a channel from a chat window's list of saved channel subscriptions.
ListChannels Requests a list of channels joined by the player.
ListChannelByName Requests the list of participants in a chat channel.
LeaveChannelByName Leaves a chat channel.
JoinTemporaryChannel Joins a channel, but does not save associated chat window settings.
JoinPermanentChannel Joins a channel, saving associated chat window settings.
JoinChannelByName This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
IsSilenced Returns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel.
IsDisplayChannelOwner Returns whether the player is the owner of the selected channel in the channel list display.
IsDisplayChannelModerator Returns whether the player is a moderator of the selected channel in the channel list display.
GetSelectedDisplayChannel Returns the selected channel in the channel list display.
GetNumDisplayChannels Returns the number of entries in the channel list display.
GetNumChannelMembers Returns the number of members in a chat channel.
GetChatWindowChannels Returns the saved list of channels to which a chat window is subscribed.
GetChannelRosterInfo Returns information about a character in a chat channel in the channel list display.
GetChannelName Returns information about a chat channel.
GetChannelList Returns the list of the channels the player has joined.