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API Функции

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Название Описание
CombatLogResetFilter Removes any filters applied to the combat log.
CombatLogGetRetentionTime Returns the amount of time combat log entries are stored.
CombatLogGetNumEntries Returns the number of available combat log events.
CombatLogGetCurrentEntry Returns the combat log event information for the current entry and advances to the next entry.
CombatLogClearEntries Removes all entries from the combat log.
CombatLogAdvanceEntry Advances the "cursor" position used by other CombatLog functions.
CombatLogAddFilter Adds a filter to the combat log system.
UnitAffectingCombat Returns whether a unit is currently in combat.
StopAttack Stops auto-attack if active.
StartAttack Begins auto-attack against a specified target.
AttackTarget Begins auto-attack against the player's current target.
UploadSettings Stores a backup of game settings on the server.
SetUIVisibility Enables or disables display of UI elements in the 3-D world.
SetEuropeanNumbers Sets the decimal separator for displayed numbers.
Screenshot Saves an image of the current game display.
ReloadUI Reloads the user interface.
Quit Attempts to exit the World of Warcraft client.
NotWhileDeadError Causes the default UI to display an error message indicating that actions are disallowed while the player is dead.
Logout Attempts to log out and return to the character selection screen.
IsWindowsClient Returns whether the player is using the Windows game client.
IsMacClient Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client.
IsLinuxClient Returns whether the player is using the native Linux game client.
IsIPv6Available Returns whether IPv6 is available.
GetNetStats Returns information about current network connection performance.
GetLocale Returns a code indicating the localization currently in use by the client.
GetGameTime Returns the current realm (server) time.
GetExpansionLevel Returns the expansion level of the game.
GetExistingLocales Returns a list of installed localization packs for the WoW client.
GetBuildInfo Returns the version information about the client.
GetAccountExpansionLevel Returns the most recent of WoW's retail expansion packs for which the player's account is authorized.
ForceQuit Immediately exits World of Warcraft.
ForceLogout Forces the client to logout.
DownloadSettings Restores game settings from a backup stored on the server.
CancelLogout Cancels a pending logout or quit.
TargetTotem Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
GetTotemTimeLeft Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears.
GetTotemInfo Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
GetRuneType Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources.
GetRuneCount Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots.
GetRuneCooldown Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources.
GetEclipseDirection Returns the direction in which the players eclipse is moving.
DestroyTotem Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
SetChatWindowUninteractable Saves whether a chat window is marked as non-interactive.
SetChatWindowSize Saves a chat window's font size setting.
SetChatWindowShown Saves whether a chat window should be shown.
SetChatWindowName Saves a chat window's display name setting.
SetChatWindowLocked Saves whether a chat window is locked.
SetChatWindowDocked Saves whether a chat window should be docked with the main chat window.
SetChatWindowColor Saves a chat window's background color setting.
SetChatWindowAlpha Saves a chat window's background opacity setting.