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API Функции

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Название Описание
ExpandFactionHeader Expands a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI.
ExpandAllFactionHeaders Expands all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI.
CollapseFactionHeader Collapses a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI.
CollapseAllFactionHeaders Collapses all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI.
UnitXPMax Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level.
UnitXP Returns the player's current amount of experience points.
IsXPUserDisabled Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player.
GetXPExhaustion Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available.
GetRewardXP Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest.
UseEquipmentSet Equips the items in an equipment set.
SaveEquipmentSet Saves or creates an equipment set with the player's currently equipped items.
PickupEquipmentSetByName Puts an equipment set on the cursor.
PickupEquipmentSet Puts an equipment set (specified by index) on the cursor.
ModifyEquipmentSet Modifies the name and icon of an existing equipment set.
GetNumEquipmentSets Returns the number of saved equipment sets.
GetEquipmentSetLocations Returns a table listing the locations of the items in an equipment set.
GetEquipmentSetItemIDs Returns a table listing the items in an equipment set.
GetEquipmentSetInfoByName Returns information about an equipment set.
GetEquipmentSetInfo Returns information about an equipment set (specified by index)
EquipmentSetContainsLockedItems Returns whether an equipment set contains locked items.
EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components.
EquipmentManagerUnignoreSlotForSave Removes an equipment slot from the list of those ignored when saving sets.
EquipmentManagerIsSlotIgnoredForSave Returns whether the contents of an equipment slot will be included when saving sets.
EquipmentManagerIgnoreSlotForSave Adds an equipment slot to the list of those ignored when saving sets.
EquipmentManagerClearIgnoredSlotsForSave Clears the list of equipment slots to be ignored when saving sets.
DeleteEquipmentSet Deletes an equipment set.
CanUseEquipmentSets Returns whether the player has enabled the equipment manager.
StartDuel Challenges another player to a duel.
CancelDuel Cancels an ongoing duel, or declines an offered duel.
AcceptDuel Accepts a proposed duel.
ReportSuggestion This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
ReportBug This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
tostringall Alternative to `tostring()` for bulk conversion of values.
setprinthandler Sets a new function to be used for `print()` output.
seterrorhandler Changes the error handler to a specified function.
print Outputs a list of values (in the main chat window by default)
issecurevariable Returns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
getprinthandler Returns the function currently used for `print()` output.
geterrorhandler Returns the current error handler function.
debugstack Returns information about the current function call stack.
debugprofilestop Returns the value of the profiling timer.
debugprofilestart Starts/resets the high resolution profiling timer.
UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage Updates addon memory usage information.
UpdateAddOnCPUUsage Updates addon CPU profiling information.
SetTaxiBenchmarkMode Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode.
ResetCPUUsage Resets CPU usage statistics.
GetTaxiBenchmarkMode Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled.
GetScriptCPUUsage Returns the total CPU time used by the scripting system.
GetNetStats Returns information about current network connection performance.
GetFunctionCPUUsage Returns information about CPU usage by a function.