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API Функции

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Название Описание
UnitSetRole Sets a unit's role in the group or raid.
UnitPlayerOrPetInParty Returns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member.
UnitIsPartyLeader Returns whether a unit is the leader of the player's party.
UnitInParty Returns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party.
UninviteUnit Removes a character from the player's party or raid.
SetPartyAssignment Assigns a group role to a member of the player's party or raid.
PromoteToLeader Promotes a player to party/raid leader.
LeaveParty Exits the current party or raid.
IsRealPartyLeader Returns whether the player is the leader of a non-battleground party.
IsPartyLeader Returns whether the player is the party leader.
InviteUnit Invites a character to the player's party or raid.
GetRealNumPartyMembers Returns the number of members in the player's non-battleground party.
GetReadyCheckTimeLeft Returns the amount of time left on the current ready check.
GetReadyCheckStatus Returns a unit's status during a ready check.
GetPartyMember Returns whether a party member exists at a given index.
GetPartyLeaderIndex Returns the index of the current party leader.
GetPartyAssignment Returns whether a party/raid member is assigned a specific group role.
GetNumPartyMembers Returns the number of additional members in the player's party.
DoReadyCheck Initiates a ready check.
DeclineGroup Declines an invitation to join a party or raid.
ConvertToRaid Converts a party to a raid.
ConvertToParty Converts a raid to a party.
ConfirmReadyCheck Responds to a ready check.
ClearPartyAssignment Removes a group role assignment from a member of the player's party or raid.
AcceptGroup Accepts an invitation to join a party or raid.
UseQuestLogSpecialItem Uses the item associated with a current quest.
SortQuestWatches Sorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria.
RemoveTrackedAchievement Removes an achievement from the objectives tracker UI.
RemoveQuestWatch Removes a quest from the objectives tracker.
IsTrackedAchievement Returns whether an achievement is flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI.
IsQuestWatched Returns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker.
IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange Returns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest.
GetTrackedAchievements Returns numeric IDs of the achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI.
GetQuestWatchIndex Returns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo Returns information about a usable item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestIndexForWatch Returns the quest log index of a quest in the objectives tracker.
GetNumTrackedAchievements Returns the number of achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI.
GetNumQuestWatches Returns the number of quests included in the objectives tracker.
AddTrackedAchievement Adds an achievement to the objectives tracker UI.
AddQuestWatch Adds a quest to the objectives tracker.
SelectGossipOption Chooses and activates an NPC dialog option.
SelectGossipAvailableQuest Chooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC.
SelectGossipActiveQuest Chooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
GetNumGossipOptions Returns the number of non-quest dialog options for the current Gossip NPC.
GetNumGossipAvailableQuests Returns the number of quests available from the current Gossip NPC.
GetNumGossipActiveQuests Returns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
GetGossipText Returns greeting or other text to be displayed in an NPC dialog.
GetGossipOptions Returns a list of interaction options for the Gossip NPC.
GetGossipAvailableQuests Returns a list of quests available from the current Gossip NPC.