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API Функции

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Название Описание
GetTalentInfo Returns information about a talent option.
GetPrimaryTalentTree Returns the index of a character's primary talent tree.
GetPreviewTalentPointsSpent This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
GetPetTalentTree Returns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet.
GetNumTalents Returns the number of options in a talent tab.
GetNumTalentTabs Returns the number of talent tabs for the player, pet, or inspect target.
GetNumTalentPoints Returns the total number of talent points a character has currently.
GetNumTalentGroups Returns the number of talent specs a character can switch among.
GetNextTalentLevel Returns the level at which the player gets the next talent point.
GetMinorTalentTreeBonuses Query a talent tree's minor bonuses.
GetMajorTalentTreeBonuses Query a talent tree's major bonus.
GetGroupPreviewTalentPointsSpent Returns the total number of points spent in the Talent UI's preview mode.
GetActiveTalentGroup Returns the index of the active talent specialization.
ConfirmTalentWipe Resets the player's talents.
CheckTalentMasterDist Returns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can reset talents.
AddPreviewTalentPoints Spends (or unspends) talent points in the Talent UI's preview mode.
PlayerCanTeleport Returns whether the player can accept a summons.
GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft Returns the amount of time remaining before an offered summons expires.
GetSummonConfirmSummoner Returns the name of the unit offering a summons to the player.
GetSummonConfirmAreaName Returns the destination area of an offered summons.
ConfirmSummon Accepts an offered summons, teleporting the player to the summoner's location.
CancelSummon Declines an offered summons.
Stopwatch_Toggle Toggles visibility of the StopwatchFrame.
Stopwatch_StartCountdown Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Play Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Pause Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_IsPlaying Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_FinishCountdown Функция еще не задокументированна.
Stopwatch_Clear Функция еще не задокументированна.
UnitStat Returns information about a basic character statistic for the player or pet.
UnitResistance Returns information about the player's or pet's magic resistance.
UnitRangedDamage Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged attack damage and speed.
UnitRangedAttackPower Returns the player's or pet's ranged attack power.
UnitRangedAttack Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged weapon skill.
UnitDefense Returns the player's or pet's Defense skill.
UnitDamage Returns information about the player's or pet's melee attack damage.
UnitAttackSpeed Returns information about the unit's melee attack speed.
UnitAttackPower Returns the player's or pet's melee attack power.
UnitAttackBothHands Returns information about the player's or pet's weapon skill.
UnitArmor Returns the player's or pet's armor value.
ResistancePercent Returns the % value of spell resistance depending on resistance value and player level.
GetUnitPowerModifier Returns the mana modifier for the player's pet.
GetUnitMaxHealthModifier Returns the maximum health modifier for the player's pet.
GetUnitManaRegenRateFromSpirit Returns the increase in mana regeneration rate provided by Spirit.
GetUnitHealthModifier Returns the health modifier for the player's pet.
GetSpellPenetration Returns the amount of enemy magic resistance ignored due to the player's Spell Penetration Rating.
GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellect Returns additional spell critical strike chance provided by Intellect.
GetSpellCritChance Returns the player's spell critical strike chance for a spell school.
GetSpellBonusHealing Returns the player's amount of bonus healing.
GetSpellBonusDamage Returns the player's spell damage bonus for a spell school.