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Название Описание
level = Frame:GetFrameLevel() Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
scale = Frame:GetEffectiveScale() Returns the overall scale factor of the frame.
depth = Frame:GetEffectiveDepth() Returns the overall 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D configurations)
alpha = Frame:GetEffectiveAlpha() Returns the overall opacity of the frame.
Frame:GetDontSavePosition() Функция еще не задокументированна.
depth = Frame:GetDepth() Returns the 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D setups)
left, right, top, bottom = Frame:GetClampRectInsets() Returns offsets from the frame's edges used when limiting user movement or resizing of the frame.
... = Frame:GetChildren() Returns a list of child frames of the frame.
x, y = Frame:GetCenter() Returns the screen coordinates of the region's center.
left, bottom, width, height = Frame:GetBoundsRect() Returns the position and dimension of the smallest area enclosing the frame and its children.
bottom = Frame:GetBottom() Returns the distance from the bottom of the screen to the bottom of the region.
red, green, blue, alpha = Frame:GetBackdropColor() Returns the shading color for the frame's background graphic.
red, green, blue, alpha = Frame:GetBackdropBorderColor() Returns the shading color for the frame's border graphic.
backdrop = Frame:GetBackdrop() Returns information about the frame's backdrop graphic.
value = Frame:GetAttribute("name") Returns the value of a secure frame attribute.
... = Frame:GetAnimationGroups() Returns a list of animation groups belonging to the region.
alpha = Frame:GetAlpha() Returns the opacity of the region relative to its parent.
Frame:EnableMouseWheel(enable) Enables or disables mouse wheel interactivity for the frame.
Frame:EnableMouse(enable) Enables or disables mouse interactivity for the frame.
Frame:EnableKeyboard(enable) Enables or disables keyboard interactivity for the frame.
Frame:EnableJoystick(enable) Enables or disables joystick interactivity.
Frame:EnableDrawLayer("layer") Allows display of all child objects of the frame on a specified graphics layer.
Frame:DisableDrawLayer("layer") Prevents display of all child objects of the frame on a specified graphics layer.
region = Frame:CreateTitleRegion() Creates a title region for dragging the frame.
texture = Frame:CreateTexture(["name" [, "layer" [, "inherits" [, sublevel]]]]) Creates a new [[docs/widgets/Texture`Texture`]] as a child of the frame.
fontstring = Frame:CreateFontString(["name" [, "layer" [, "inherits"]]]) Creates a new [[docs/widgets/FontString`FontString`]] as a child of the frame.
animationGroup = Frame:CreateAnimationGroup(["name" [, "inheritsFrom"]]) Creates a new AnimationGroup as a child of the region.
Frame:ClearAllPoints() Removes all anchor points from the region.
canChange = Frame:CanChangeProtectedState() Returns whether protected properties of the region can be changed by non-secure scripts.
enabled = Frame:CanChangeAttribute() Returns whether secure frame attributes can currently be changed.
Frame:AllowAttributeChanges() Temporarily allows insecure code to modify the frame's attributes during combat.
FontString:StopAnimating() Stops any active animations involving the region or its children.
FontString:Show() Shows the region.
FontString:SetWordWrap(enable) Sets whether long lines of text in the font string can wrap onto subsequent lines.
FontString:SetWidth(width) Sets the region's width.
FontString:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets a color shading for the region's graphics.
FontString:SetTextHeight(height) Scales the font string's rendered text to a different height.
FontString:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha) Sets the font instance's default text color.
FontString:SetText("text") Sets the text to be displayed in the font string.
FontString:SetSpacing(spacing) Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines.
FontString:SetSize(width, height) Sets the size of the region to the specified values.
FontString:SetShadowOffset(xOffset, yOffset) Sets the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text.
FontString:SetShadowColor(shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha) Sets the color of the font's text shadow.
FontString:SetPoint("point" [, relativeTo [, "relativePoint" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]]) Sets an anchor point for the region.
FontString:SetParent(frame) or FontString:SetParent("name") Makes another frame the parent of this region.
FontString:SetNonSpaceWrap(enable) Sets whether long lines of text will wrap within or between words.
FontString:SetMaxLines() Функция еще не задокументированна.
FontString:SetJustifyV("justify") Sets the font instance's vertical text alignment style.
FontString:SetJustifyH("justify") Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style.
FontString:SetIndentedWordWrap() Функция еще не задокументированна.