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Название Описание
GetExistingSocketLink Returns a hyperlink for a permanently socketed gem.
GetExistingSocketInfo Returns information about a permanently socketed gem.
CloseSocketInfo Ends interaction with the Item Socketing UI, discarding any changes made.
ClickSocketButton Picks up or places a gem in the Item Socketing UI.
AcceptSockets Accepts changes made in the Item Socketing UI.
SortWho Sorts the Who system query results list.
ShowFriends Requests friends/ignore list information from the server.
SetWhoToUI Changes the delivery method for results from [[docs/api/SendWho`SendWho()`]] queries.
SetSelectedIgnore Selects a character in the player's ignore list.
SetSelectedFriend Selects a character in the player's friends list.
SetFriendNotes Sets note text associated with a friends list entry.
SendWho Requests a list of characters meeting given search criteria from the server.
RemoveFriend Removes a character from the friends list.
IsIgnored Returns whether a unit is on the player's ignore list.
GetWhoInfo Returns information about a character in the Who system query results.
GetSelectedIgnore Returns the index of the selected character in the player's ignore list.
GetSelectedFriend Returns the index of the selected character in the player's friends list.
GetNumWhoResults Returns the number of results from a Who system query.
GetNumIgnores Returns the number of characters on the player's ignore list.
GetNumFriends Returns the number of characters and online characters on the player's friends list.
GetIgnoreName Returns the name of a character on the ignore list.
GetFriendInfo Returns information about a character on the player's friends list.
DelIgnore Removes a player from the ignore list.
AddOrRemoveFriend Adds the named character to the friends list, or removes the character if already in the friends list.
AddOrDelIgnore Adds the named character to the ignore list, or removes the character if already in the ignore list.
AddIgnore Adds a character to the ignore list.
AddFriend Adds a character to the friends list.
GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints Returns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetProfessions Returns indices of all of the current character's professions.
GetProfessionInfo Returns details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level.
AbandonSkill Unlearns a skill (used only for professions)
securecall Calls a function without tainting the execution path.
newproxy Creates a zero-length userdata with an optional metatable.
issecurevariable Returns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
issecure Returns whether the current execution path is secure.
hooksecurefunc Add a function to be called after execution of a secure function.
forceinsecure Causes the current execution path to continue outside the secure environment.
InCombatLockdown Returns whether the user interface is protected due to combat.
SummonFriend Summons a unit whose account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program.
IsReferAFriendLinked Returns whether a unit's account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program.
GrantLevel Grants a level to the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner.
GetSummonFriendCooldown Returns cooldown information about the player's Summon Friend ability.
DeclineLevelGrant Refuses a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner.
CanSummonFriend Returns whether a unit can be summoned via Recruit-a-Friend.
CanGrantLevel Returns whether the player can give levels to a Recruit-a-Friend partner.
AcceptLevelGrant Accepts a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner.
IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer Returns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server.
IsOnTournamentRealm Returns whether the player is on an Arena Tournament realm.
GetRealmName Returns the name of the player's realm (server name)
UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUI Returns whether attempts to target a unit should target its vehicle.