Returns information about an instance used by the Dungeon Journal. Signature: Code instanceName, instanceDesc, backgroundTexture, buttonTexture, titleBackground, unknown, instanceLink = EJ_GetInstanceInfo(instanceID)
Arguments: - instanceID - Unique instance ID of the instance (number)
Returns: - instanceName - Title for the instance used in the Dungeon Journal. Not guaranteed to match GetRealZoneText return values. (string)
- instanceDesc - Gossip description for the instance used in the Dungeon Journal. (string)
- backgroundTexture - Texture to be used as a background for boss models in this instance. (string)
- buttonTexture - Texture to be used for this instance in the dungeon selection. (string)
- titleBackground - Texture to be used behind the instance name in the encounter list for the instance (above the gossip text) (string)
- unknown - Unknown numeric value (number)
- instanceLink - A clickable link to the instance using the current Dungeon Journal difficulty setting. (string)
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