Среда, 05.02.2025, 09:49
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В категории материалов: 66
Показано материалов: 51-66
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Название Описание
Dismount Dismounts from the player's summoned mount.
DeclineResurrect Declines an offered resurrection spell.
ConfirmBinder Sets the player's Hearthstone to the current location.
CheckSpiritHealerDist Returns whether the player is in range of a spirit healer.
CheckBinderDist Returns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can set the Hearthstone location.
AcceptXPLoss Resurrects the player at a spirit healer, accepting possible consequences.
AcceptResurrect Accepts an offered resurrection spell.
GetPlayerFacing Returns the player's orientation (heading)
OpeningCinematic Displays the introductory cinematic for the player's race.
UnitXPMax Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level.
UnitXP Returns the player's current amount of experience points.
IsXPUserDisabled Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player.
GetXPExhaustion Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available.
GetRuneType Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources.
GetRuneCount Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots.
GetRuneCooldown Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources.

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