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Голосовые функции

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В категории материалов: 61
Показано материалов: 51-61
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Название Описание
IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer Returns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server.
SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID Sets the currently active voice chat channel.
SetActiveVoiceChannel Sets the currently active voice channel.
JoinChannelByName This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
IsSilenced Returns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel.
GetActiveVoiceChannel Returns the currently active voice channel.
DisplayChannelVoiceOff Disables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display.
ClearChannelWatch This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
ChannelVoiceOn Enables voice chat in a channel.
ChannelVoiceOff Disables voice chat in a channel.
ChannelSilenceAll Silences a character for chat and voice on a channel.

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