Returns information about an arena team member. Signature: Code name, rank, level, class, online, played, win, seasonPlayed, seasonWin, rating = GetArenaTeamRosterInfo(team, index) Arguments: - team - Index of one of the player's arena teams (number, arenaTeamID)
- index - Index of a team member (between 1 and GetNumArenaTeamMembers(team)) (number)
Returns: - name - Name of the team member (string)
- rank - Rank of the member in the team (number)
0 - Team captain- 1 - Member
- level - Character level of the team member (number)
- class - Localized name of the team member's class (string)
- online - 1 if the team member is currently online; otherwise nil (1nil)
- played - Number of games played by the team member in the current week (number)
- win - Number of winning games played by the team member in the current week (number)
- seasonPlayed - Number of games played by the team member in the current arena season (number)
- seasonWin - Number of winning games played by the team member in the current arena season (number)
- rating - The team member's personal rating with this team (number)
Также смотрите: Арена
, Arena functions