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Название Описание
GameTooltip:SetEquipmentSet("name") Fills the tooltip with information about an equipment set.
GameTooltip:SetCurrencyToken(index) Fills the tooltip with information about a special currency type.
GameTooltip:SetCurrencyByID() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetBuybackItem(index) Fills the tooltip with information about item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased.
hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetBagItem(container, slot) Fills the tooltip with information about an item in the player's bags.
GameTooltip:SetBackpackToken(index) Fills the tooltip with information about a currency marked for watching on the Backpack UI.
GameTooltip:SetAuctionSellItem() Fills the tooltip with information about the item currently being set up for auction.
GameTooltip:SetAuctionItem("list", index) Fills the tooltip with information about an item in the auction house.
GameTooltip:SetAnchorType("anchor" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]) Sets the method for anchoring the tooltip relative to its owner.
GameTooltip:SetAction(slot) Fills the tooltip with information about the contents of an action slot.
numLines = GameTooltip:NumLines() Returns the number of lines of text currently shown in the tooltip.
isUnit = GameTooltip:IsUnit("unit") Returns whether the tooltip is displaying information for a given unit.
hasOwner = GameTooltip:IsOwned() Returns whether the tooltip has an owner frame.
enabled = GameTooltip:IsEquippedItem() Returns whether the tooltip is displaying an item currently equipped by the player.
name, unit = GameTooltip:GetUnit() Returns information about the unit displayed in the tooltip.
spellName, spellRank, spellID = GameTooltip:GetSpell() Returns information about the spell displayed in the tooltip.
padding = GameTooltip:GetPadding() Returns the amount of space between tooltip's text and its right-side edge.
owner = GameTooltip:GetOwner() Returns the frame to which the tooltip refers and is anchored.
width = GameTooltip:GetMinimumWidth() Returns the minimum width of the tooltip.
name, link = GameTooltip:GetItem() Returns the name and hyperlink for the item displayed in the tooltip.
anchor = GameTooltip:GetAnchorType() Returns the method for anchoring the tooltip relative to its owner.
GameTooltip:FadeOut() Causes the tooltip to begin fading out.
GameTooltip:ClearLines() Clears the tooltip's contents.
GameTooltip:AppendText("text") Adds text to the first line of the tooltip.
GameTooltip:AddTexture("texture") Adds a texture to the last tooltip line.
GameTooltip:AddSpellByID() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:AddLine("text" [, r [, g [, b [, wrap]]]]) Adds a line of text to the tooltip.
GameTooltip:AddFontStrings(left, right) Adds `FontString` objects to the tooltip, allowing it to display an additional line of text.
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("textLeft", "textRight" [, rL [, gL [, bL [, rR [, gR [, bR]]]]]]) Adds a line to the tooltip with both left-side and right-side portions.

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