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В категории материалов: 16
Показано материалов: 1-16

Название Описание
Minimap:UpdateBlips() Функция еще не задокументированна.
Minimap:SetZoom(zoomLevel) Sets the minimap's zoom level.
Minimap:SetStaticPOIArrowTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to represent static points of interest located beyond the scope of the minimap.
Minimap:SetPlayerTextureWidth(width) Sets the width of the texture used to represent the player on the minimap.
Minimap:SetPlayerTextureHeight(height) Sets the height of the texture used to represent the player on the minimap.
Minimap:SetPlayerTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to represent the player on the minimap.
Minimap:SetPOIArrowTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to represent points of interest located beyond the scope of the minimap.
Minimap:SetMaskTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to mask the shape of the minimap.
Minimap:SetIconTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to display various points of interest on the minimap.
Minimap:SetCorpsePOIArrowTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to the player's corpse when located beyond the scope of the minimap.
Minimap:SetClassBlipTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to display party and raid members on the minimap.
Minimap:SetBlipTexture("filename") Sets the texture used to display quest and tracking icons on the minimap.
Minimap:PingLocation(x, y) "Pings" the minimap at a given location.
zoomLevels = Minimap:GetZoomLevels() Returns the number of available zoom settings for the minimap.
zoomLevel = Minimap:GetZoom() Returns the minimap's current zoom level.
x, y = Minimap:GetPingPosition() Returns the location of the last "ping" on the minimap.