Returns the method for anchoring the tooltip relative to its owner. Signature: Code anchor = GameTooltip:GetAnchorType()
Returns: - anchor - Token identifying the method for anchoring the tooltip relative to its owner frame (string)
ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT - Align the top right of the tooltip with the bottom left of the owner - ANCHOR_CURSOR - Toolip follows the mouse cursor
- ANCHOR_LEFT - Align the bottom right of the tooltip with the top left of the owner
- ANCHOR_NONE - Tooltip appears in the default position
- ANCHOR_PRESERVE - Tooltip's position is saved between sessions (useful if the tooltip is made user-movable)
- ANCHOR_RIGHT - Align the bottom left of the tooltip with the top right of the owner
- ANCHOR_TOPLEFT - Align the bottom left of the tooltip with the top left of the owner
- ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT - Align the bottom right of the tooltip with the top right of the owner
Также смотрите: Внутриигровая подсказка